Yadira Morel “is not abandoned” or wandering the streets, says her friend Nuria Piera

by time news

Santo Domingo. DR

The veteran communicator Nuria Piera denied that her friend Yadira Morel is abandoned and that she lives in a precarious situation, although she did admit that “she is in the beginning process” of Alzheimer’s disease.

“The important thing is that you know that she is not abandoned, that is impossible, she has friends who love her and protect her and that is precisely what we are doing in this case,” Nuria Piera said in a video posted this Wednesday on her Instagram.

Piera maintained that “Many of the things that have been said on the networks and in radio programs they do not correspond to the absolute truth, to the total truth”.

Yadira Morel, Nuria added. she is in her house “he’s not wandering” and “he doesn’t need money, He has money, he eats every day”.

The television host maintained that the immigration lawyer is not in deplorable conditions to be in a medical center.

“If you see her, in fact I want her to participate in an interview with me on Saturday, so that you can see that Yadira still maintains that grace, that spark, that humor, that intelligence that she possesses.”

According to the explanations, Yadira “what she can forget is what happened five or six minutes ago, but her memory intact, the one from behind, she has very well.”

Regarding the alleged abandonment of his daughter, Yadira Isabel, He clarified that he is in the United States and that “I understand that she is preparing a press release to send to the media and networks explaining the truth or the lie of what has been said about her.”

For Nuria and her friends, it is a sad situation “to see a person as strong, as determined” as Yadira “in that way” and that it generates “a hint of sadness that we all have, bad taste in the mouth, a shrinking of the heart, before what she is living, in that process”.

He announced that arrangements are being made for Yadira to go to the United States with her daughter: “That is ideal and that is what I think will happen.”

Nuria understands the concern of the people who are followers of Yadira, but insisted that “that ending that they are saying” in the media and on social networks is not like that.

“The situation is alarming for friends, we are in a chat, one day we take her to the living room, another day for a walk, she comes to my house to eat, in that chat we are all alarmed by the exaggeration that has been seen in the media. communication, and I understand the concern because Yadira is a person that many people love, who did many favors, and that ending that they were saying in the media, that ending does not deserve her or anyone else, and I assure you that this It will not be the end of Yadira, God willing”.

The host of the “Nuria Piera Investigación Periodística” (Color Vision) program reiterated that her friend “is not wandering in the street, she lives in her own apartment, she has people who take care of her.”

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