Yaël Braun-Pivet, a non-aligned president in the National Assembly

by time news

The train, which left kyiv in the early evening, heads for Poland on Thursday, September 29. Yaël Braun-Pivet invited the deputies who accompanied her to Ukraine to a “aperitif” makeshift in his compartment. Long blond hair released, she swapped her heels for more comfortable boots. She serves beers in cups. Tight on the benches, the elected officials debrief their visit, on the eve of a debate on Ukraine which is to open the parliamentary session on October 3. “I do as with my children when they return from vacation: what time did you prefer? », asks the President of the National Assembly, laughing. MP Renaissance (the new name of La République en Marche, LRM) Anne Genetet thanks “Yael” to have given the floor to ” all “ before the Ukrainian authorities: “It’s rare in the delegations… Usually, we play the potiches!…” Yaël Braun-Pivet, 51, the first woman in history to preside over the National Assembly, plays on humility: “It’s normal, we are a collective. »

The President of the National Assembly, Yaël Braun-Pivet, in Paris, September 22, 2022.

She finds the parliamentary cauldron this week for a session which promises to be tense, with the examination of the budget. A test for the one who was still a novice in politics five years ago, and who remains poorly known to the French. Since the start of the school year, it has been working to overcome this handicap, increasing the number of media interventions. Each time, she plays a unique music. On pensions, she was one of those who convinced Emmanuel Macron not to pass the thorny pension reform through an amendment to the Social Security financing bill. The president decided in this direction on September 28, during a dinner at the Elysée. ” I won !she tells the Mondefrom Kyiv. From the moment a new method, consultation, is advocated, it must be applied. Me, I’m basic. » She laughs again.

Not even on the side of the National Council for Refoundation, this famous CNR to which the Head of State seems so attached, and which she does not want to see encroaching on the prerogatives of Parliament, in unison with the oppositions, which are boycotting . “Don’t worry, I’ll dot the i’s”, she slips to the boss of the deputies Les Républicains (LR), Olivier Marleix. On the day of the installation of the instance, September 8, she is seated opposite Emmanuel Macron. “Mr. President, the question of the National Assembly’s participation in the CNR has arisen…”, she says in frozen silence. The ministers look at each other, dumbfounded: “What nerve, anyway! »

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