Yaël Braun-Pivet leads the first round but fails to obtain an absolute majority

by time news

False accusations against Raquel Garrido and Alexis Corbière: the “Point” journalist files a complaint against Jean-Christophe Lagarde

The journalist from Point Aziz Zemouri, author of the article which implicated the couple of deputies La France insoumise (LFI), Raquel Garrido and Alexis Corbière, filed a complaint on Tuesday for ” breach of trust “ against former UDI deputy Jean-Christophe Lagarde and an ex-policeman. The complaint, of which Agence France-presse has taken note, was filed against Mr. Lagarde and a former territorial intelligence policeman, Anouar Bouhadjela, known as Noam Anouar, whom Mr. Zemouri presents as being at the origin of the false charges against the two elected officials.

Last Wednesday, an article by Mr. Zemouri published on the website of the Point accused the couple of having exploited an undocumented cleaning lady, which they immediately denied. Very rare fact, the article had been withdrawn the next day, and the director of the PointEtienne Gernelle, had recognized “mistakes and lapses in caution”. At the same time, Point opened an internal investigation, the journalist was suspended and summoned to an interview prior to a possible dismissal.

Thursday, June 23, Mr. Zemouri said to himself “convinced of the veracity of the facts”. But since then, he says he is convinced of having been “manipulated”, as he said during a telephone conversation on Monday June 27 with Noam Anouar. In his complaint, he assures that the ex-policeman, “who would be seconded to the town hall of Drancy”, whose mayor is the wife of Mr. Lagarde, contacted him at the end of May to put him in touch with a woman claiming to be the cleaning lady, undeclared and without papers, of the couple of LFI deputies. Raquel Garrido, 48, was elected deputy for Seine-Saint-Denis against the president of the UDI, Jean-Christophe Lagarde, in the second round of the legislative elections on June 19.

In his complaint, Mr. Zemouri implicates Mr. Lagarde by arguing that at the outbreak of the controversy, the latter had tweeted ” remarks “ that the journalist had “only held by” of the ex-policeman on the alleged blocking of the article. Mr. Lagarde’s tweet has since been deleted. Asked by AFP, Mr. Lagarde could not be reached immediately.

In a video posted on his Facebook page, Noam Anouar categorically denied the accusations of the journalist from Point and be “the author of the conspiracy” aimed at the two chosen ones. “They are trying to make me the ideal culprit”he regretted.

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