Yaël Braun-Pivet writes to deputies to “remember that the Assembly is not a circus”

by time news

Three pages, for a dry reframing. According to our information, the Renaissance President of the Assembly, Yaël Braun-Pivet, sent a long letter on Friday April 7 to the 577 deputies of the Palais-Bourbon to, according to those around her, “recall that the National Assembly is not a circus “. An initiative taken, she specifies in her letter, according to the “almost unanimous will of the office”. If the tenant of the perch has regularly been criticized, among the Macronist troops, for an approach that is too “ecumenical”, this time, the pen is sharp.

In this text that we were able to consult, Yaël Braun-Pivet immediately sets the scene, denouncing the “serious individual or collective dysfunctions”, as well as the “worrying deterioration of the serenity and quality (of the) exchanges”, “unacceptable and inappropriate behavior”, since the beginning of this legislature. And especially in recent weeks, with the debate on the unpopular pension reform.

A “spectacle”, writes Braun-Pivet, “often lamentable in the eyes of visitors and observers of political life, starting with the parliamentarians themselves, of interrupted speakers, heckled sessions, or even invective and screams erupting from all sides.

And to remind everyone of the rules. Or, among other things, the prohibition to draw “signs, documents, objects or various instruments” in the hemicycle or to wear “shorts” and “bermuda shorts”. Or to use “any communication tool with the outside from the hemicycle, in particular (with the) platforms retransmitting the video and audio stream of the debates”.

As for the “sacred perimeter” – the lounges adjoining the hemicycle, the conference room and the refreshment bar… – it will “now” be forbidden to collaborators of deputies in the event of a vote. Unrelated, here, with the excess of alcoholic beverages which the Parisian – Today in France had echoed. The President of the Assembly was particularly scalded after seeing some of them filming the ballot during the vote on the last motion of censure, or a journalist reaching the bar.

This letter was, in fact, the second salvo of the day. Because, before that, in the morning, 77 deputies (mostly Rebellious) were served in writing with the call to order to which they were subjected for having brandished signs “64 years old is no” in the hemicycle singing “La Marseillaise”, communicated on social networks during the closed-door debates of the Joint Joint Committee (CMP) on pension reform or wearing lavalier microphones in the hemicycle for the purposes of a report from France 2.

77 calls to order: unheard of. Only nine warnings of this type, “the last summons before firing”, said one deputy, had been issued since the opening of this legislature. “This sad record should challenge us”, writes the President of the Assembly. To be seen in the weeks to come if these “necessary clarifications”, as Braun-Pivet considers in her letter, will allow the debates to continue in the “more dignified and more serene conditions”, which she calls of her wishes.

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