Yair Lapid is attacked at work: “In his party people are afraid to tell the truth”

by time news

In light of the discrimination in the elections: MK Vladimir Belyak (Yesh Atid) was interviewed on Aral Segal’s program and criticized the bloc parties. On the other hand, the Labor Party harshly attacked the chairman of Yesh Atid and the Prime Minister Yair Lapid and criticized him for his conduct as the head of the bloc.

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“Lapid ignored all the warnings he received, including those of his poll consultant who warned of the great danger in the ‘Great Party’ campaign – despite everything, Lapid continued to act irresponsibly, and perhaps even vindictively,” said sources at work, “In the party of the single leader Lapid, his people are afraid to say the truth, and stick to false message pages to cover up the damage Lapid caused to the change camp. The Labor Party will continue to act responsibly in favor of the hope and change camp even from the opposition.”

Yair Lapid (Photo: REUTERS/Nir Elias)

As mentioned, the words were said after the interview of MK Bliak Mish Atid on Arel Segal’s program on 103FM. In the interview, the Knesset member referred to the failure of the bloc in the elections led by the chairman of his party after Meretz did not pass the threshold.

“It’s no secret that we did everything for Meretz and Labor to unite,” MK Blayak said at the beginning of his remarks, “Michali took a different position. We recognize that there is a deviation in the statistics, so we sent a message to all our activists that if they meet Meretz voters, we did not convince them to vote for Yesh Atid. Our instruction was very clear. We took into account the deviation and tried not to harm them. Among the mandates that Meretz received, there is at least one mandate of ours from people who voted strategically.”

“We managed to convince 850,000 people to vote for Lish Atid,” he added, “If we had convinced another 200,000 people, we would be in a different place. Our biggest challenge in the coming years is to get out of the bloc game, it will break up Israeli society, it is breaking us up from the inside and we have to get out of it. I want to acquire the ability to talk to everyone, this is our challenge. We will not have a bloc this time because our partners chose otherwise, we know the concept of serving the people in the opposition, we are not like that, we will support the good decisions of the government and we will fight against anything that is dangerous.”

After that, Knesset member Mish Atid referred to the Balad party and whether it was part of planning to form a government, and replied that “never. We did not ask to disqualify Balad because we did not see that anything new had happened since the last ruling of the High Court of Justice. The Likud ran away from the whole issue of disqualification. We were in the Arab society with all our activists in a very significant way, also to encourage the vote. We are very happy that Balad didn’t pass because the Knesset would be better that way. We didn’t help Balad, it’s a piece of nonsense.”

Assisted in the preparation of the article: Michal Kadosh, 103FM

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