Yair Lapid’s achievement and the embarrassment created by Likud

by time news

Even in the more right-wing wings of the most right-wing coalition in Israel’s history, there is a willingness to cut back a little on the legal reform, as one of the members of the Knesset in the coalition told me, “We presented 100 percent with the aim of compromising and 70 percent, but on the other side there is no one to come.”

So far, every outline has met with disdain from the opposition, the only outline that dominates the opposition is to stop the legislation, as if you didn’t win the elections, and on the way the government will fall. At this point, the head of the opposition, Yair Lapid, recorded a brilliant achievement this week when he managed to bring Benny Gantz, who is considered the hope of the right when it comes to compromise.

Gantz and Lapid. Photo: Tomer Neuberg/Flash90

In a joint statement, Lapid managed to set Gantz straight and announce that without a complete stop there is and will not be any negotiations, the leaders of the center have not yet internalized that they lost the elections, and that in a reformed world those who set the terms are the winning side. Lapid succeeds in blocking attempts at compromise and basing himself on the anarchy in the streets when he spreads threats such as, “If they pass the reform, there will never be any more elections”.

Gifts and vinegar – what is happening to the coalition

On the other hand, two months after the formation of the government, the intoxication of victory still affects many members of the coalition, what was the contribution of Karai’s statement, “Go to hell?”, what was the contribution of the promotion of the gift law that will allow Netanyahu to receive hundreds of thousands of shekels, is this what is urgent today? Are there no more important laws? Are there no other injustices in the country?

Photo Credits: Noam Revkin Fenton/Flash90

Likud members are still drunk from the victory, their voters are hungover, the bills and provocative statements are giving voters a headache, the opponents of the government ride on exactly these points and the supporters of the government have a hard time explaining the hametz law and the gift law.

Ben Gvir against Ben Gvir

This week I published a recording of Ben Gabir’s closed discussion with senior police officers as part of the preparation of the security forces for the month of Ramadan which will begin soon, and it turns out that a year has passed and nothing has changed, this year also in the right-wing government the entire Temple Mount will be closed to Jews for 10 days, I can understand the decision, But Ben Gvir’s reaction was puzzling to me.

Ben Gvir told the senior police officers about the closure of the Temple Mount, “This is complete madness and a surrender to terrorism.” Itamar, you are the minister. You are the government. If it is surrendering to terrorism it is on your watch, and if it is not surrendering to terrorism – why did you say that.

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