Yair Lapid’s big bet

by time news

Yair Lapid is taking the big gamble of these elections today (Thursday) at the UN Assembly. A month and a half before the polling day, Lapid will announce that he is in favor of the two-state solution and will make the division of the country a central part of his speech.

It is not clear what convinced Lapid to go right now from the UN stage to make an unequivocal statement on the two-state solution. The issue is not on the agenda, and Lapid himself is making no effort to promote a political process with the Palestinians. On the contrary.

Those around Lapid made it clear yesterday that he was not going to meet with Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas before the elections, nor after them. Abu Mazen’s recent words warmed Lapid up to him, and not a little.

It is also clear that opposition leader Benjamin Netanyahu is waiting for such a statement from Lapid, and may make it a central issue in Likud propaganda. Lapid is also preparing ammunition. He will explain that the one who froze construction in Judea and Samaria under American pressure was Netanyahu, in 2009 and also in 2015.

Those around Lapid explain that he must present a clear political vision to the world. “A prime minister has never spoken about the two-state solution at the UN. Lapid will be the first,” boasts one of the associates and adds that he will also emphasize Israel’s security in a speech that will last 25 minutes and say that he is ready to go for a far-reaching solution, but with strength, after he also emphasizes the risks.

A possible explanation for the dramatic decision: Lapid is convinced that talking about the Palestinian state will not deprive him of votes in the bloc of change. The debate that will develop may add interest and perhaps increase the percentage of votes among the Arabs, especially after the serious crisis between the parties.

Lapid is convinced that talking about the Palestinian state will not deprive him of votes in the bloc of change. The debate that will develop may add interest and perhaps increase the percentage of votes among the Arabs, especially after the serious crisis between the parties

The schedule is quite sparse

Another issue that will be at the center of the speech is of course the Iranian story and the commitment that Israel will not allow Tehran to get nuclear and will not ask anyone how to respond.

“Israel,” Lapid would add, “is not a guest at the United Nations, so we cannot spread lies about us.” This would be Lapid’s counterpoint to the speech of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, who spoke of Iran as producing nuclear weapons for peaceful purposes.

Raisi also attacked Hissol Commander of the Quds Force of the Revolutionary Guards Qassem Soleimani even waved his picture, which provoked laughter in the prime minister’s surroundings towards the Iranian president “who protects the oppressed in the world”.

The other habit in Lapid’s speech tomorrow is the call for more Arab countries to enter the Abraham Accords, and this may also help him among the Israeli Arabs.

Lapid closed yesterday the second day of his visit to New York with a rather thin schedule. Rather strangely, he did not come last night to the reception held by American President Joe Biden at the United Nations.

The narrow explanation is a time mismatch, plus a promise that there is no crisis between the two, who spoke on the phone not long ago. They mention the Jerusalem agreement and the free hand that Biden gives Israel vis-a-vis Iran.

Strangely enough, Lapid did not come to the reception held by President Biden. The narrow explanation is a time mismatch, plus a promise that there is no crisis between the two, who spoke on the phone not long ago

The important meetings were conducted by Lapid on Tuesday with King Abdullah of Jordan and President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Abdallah demanded that he put pressure on the PA mechanisms to fight terrorism.

Those around Lapid did not understand the meaning of the Jordanian king’s attack in his speech before the UN assembly on the religious freedom of Christians in Jerusalem. This is a new issue and a disturbing statement that could raise an entire world against Israel. said a source in Lapid’s environment.

Erdogan, it is said in Lapid’s circle, is taking giant steps closer to Israel – which is a little reluctant to the pace of the president, who in the past called it a terrorist entity and did not spare himself some difficult anti-Semitic expressions.

Erdogan, it is said in Lapid’s circle, is taking giant steps closer to Israel – which is a little reluctant to follow the pace of the president, who in the past called it a terrorist entity and did not spare himself some difficult anti-Semitic expressions

Lapid is still asking for earnest money from Erdogan after the security and economic agreements and the aviation agreements between the parties. Lapid also sent the new Irish ambassador, Lilian, to Ankara, but in his environment, there is some reservation about Erdogan’s upcoming visit to the country.

What is still ongoing is the negotiation between Israel and Turkey over the historical shipping address that is in the Archaeological Museum in Istanbul.

Zeman Israel previously revealed the Turkish agreement to release the inscription to Israel after 120 years, in exchange for rare archaeological findings found in Israel from the Ottoman period. The issue did not come up in the meeting between Lapid and Erdogan, but it preoccupies the professional teams in both countries.

What’s more, the Turks were enthusiastic about the Prime Minister’s intended bride, the wife of Yoav, who is getting married this weekend: Lapid told them that she is of Turkish origin.

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