Yannick Jadot defends “the absolute urgency” of a law separating lobbies and the State

by time news

It is an “absolute emergency”, judge Yannick Jadot. The former environmental candidate for the presidency wishes to put in place a “great law of separation of lobbies and the State”, after the revelations of privileged exchanges between Uber and Emmanuel Macron when he was in Bercy, explains. he in Release.

These revelations “shock me but they do not surprise me. We know how much the previous five-year term was plagued by lobbies. Emmanuel Macron governed with and for them”, denounces Yannick Jadot, who had proposed such a law during the presidential election campaign.

“Cutting complacency”

“The ecologists are very keen to bring the great law of separation of lobbies and the State to the Assembly. I am delighted, we will see if we can build a coalition around the general interest in the hemicycle, ”he said. For him, “at some point, we have to cut the complacency, connivance and conflicts of interest which are too numerous between the State and the private sphere. […] With Emmanuel Macron in particular, the State has put itself at the service of private interests”, asserts the MEP.

While he considers it “completely normal” for elected officials to meet with lobbies, to “understand the different interests at stake”, he stresses that “the problem here is a minister and deputies who intervene in complete opacity for the benefit of a company that wants to validate illegal practices”. He pleads for “a much stronger supervision of the activity of lobbies”, and considers that “Uber should be excluded from all lobby registers. In France and at European level. […] The laws written by the lobbies, it’s over”.

Distinguish private and general interest

Yannick Jadot believes that a commission of inquiry at the National Assembly, as advocated by the rebellious deputy Alexis Corbière “would be useful. Putting all the elements on the table, as was done in the Senate for the McKinsey affair, is a good thing”.

The MEP says he makes “a distinction between lobbies that defend private interests and those that defend the general interest or part of the general interest”, like Greenpeace, of which he was director.

As part of the “Uber Files”, an investigation based on thousands of internal Uber documents, the newspaper Le Monde was particularly interested in the links between American society and Emmanuel Macron when he was Minister of the Economy (2014-2016).

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