Yannis Sevdikalis – Sofia Kourtidou: “Our love was inevitable”

by time news

One of the favorites of J2US is Yiannis Sevdikalis and Sofia Kourtidou since every time their performance is extremely creepy.

The TV couple who are a couple in real life gave an interview to the magazine OK! and Panos Tsoukara and they talk about everything!

Couple in life, couple in J2US too. Can you separate the personal part from the professional part?

Sofia: Giannis and I are a team. Our communication is fantastic at all levels. One always supports the other. We do not separate the part of life and work. The show just added more music to our lives, which we both love so much. We are, I think, an explosive combination.

Yannis: I loved singing since I was little but I never pursued it. Since I was a child I sang at home, I danced – music was my secret love. My parents never enrolled me in a conservatory, nor had I expressed this desire. I was probably unaware that you don’t have to be good at something to pursue it, as long as you like it.

How did you first meet?

Sophia: I approached Giannis to do an interview on my YouTube channel, I think he is a bright example for all people. So we met and because life is unpredictable, we ended up shedding light on each other’s lives very quickly. Our love was inevitable.

Giannis: We met because of Sophia’s selflessness. As I tell her many times: “In the dictionary next to the word ‘selflessness’ your name is written”. He always tries to give a step to all people. That’s what happened to me too. With Sofia we feel that we have always been together.

When and how did the accident happen?

Yannis: In October 2012. I was 21. It was a day like any other, I was in Gazi and I was going to cross the guarded crossing of the train to Iera Odos and Constantinople. Nothing was heard, the train driver never blew his horn, the guard at the crossing was not out of the guardhouse as he should have been, there were no markings and no guardrail to prevent me from crossing. Also, at that point the visibility for pedestrians was insufficient because it was a bend and there were many trees. All this has been proved by the court. I looked left, looked right and while walking to cross the tracks I turned my head and saw the train on my left. As it turned out later, the train was running at twice the speed limit. I didn’t have time to react. It hit me, threw me a few meters forward onto the tracks and dragged me for about 20 meters before finally stopping.

Were you conscious?

Yannis: I didn’t miss a single moment. When the train stopped, I was thinking, “I’m alive. What did I just live off?’ I immediately started dragging my body out of the rails and there I saw that both my legs were in a miserable condition. I understood that things were very serious. Fortunately, two or three people who were in some nearby shops came and told me:
“Don’t worry, we saw everything. We have already called an ambulance.” They gave me water and helped me not to lose my temper as much as possible. It was an incredible shock, but all I cared about was that my life was saved. That I got off the train tracks alive was a miracle.

Sophia, what is John for you in your life?

Sophia: John is my favorite anything. The most ideal companion, friend. The ultimate unconditional love that everyone deserves to experience. For us love is also the little things we do for each other every day. No one should hide their love. We praise her and so should we all to be happy.

For you, John, what role does Sophia play in your life?

Yannis: I will borrow a verse from a song by Sofia “love has no brakes and deserves everyone”. With Sofia, we say “I love you” to each other every day.” There are many ways to show your love. Let’s say, in my disability part, Sophia will help me every day to do what I need to do, which I would do on my own anyway, but with her help it is done faster. He is always there to make it easy for me. It is important to be a complete personality meeting another complete personality and deciding to walk through life together. We are each other not the other half of each other but the other whole.

Read more in the magazine OK! which is released every Wednesday on newsstands

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