Yanon Magal’s Accusation: You Failed to Match My Stories with Supporting Evidence

by time news

During a radio program on 103FM, Yanon Magal and Haim Levinson discussed possible criminal mediation between Prime Minister Netanyahu’s lawyers and the prosecutor’s office, following Ilana Dayan’s report on News 12. Levinson argued that the judges understood the complexity of the case and that a plea deal should be reached. However, Magal believed this indicated weak cases and predicted that it would end with nothing or something insignificant.

Levinson disagreed and argued that all witnesses should be heard since serious allegations were made against the police and prosecution. He preferred a court resolution rather than a plea deal, which could create an impression that everything happens behind closed doors.

Levinson also referred to Magal’s role as editor of ‘Walla’ in 2014 and questioned how he could say that there was nothing in these cases when he saw it with his own eyes. Magal replied that there was pressure from the Netanyahu family at ‘Walla’ and that he opposed it.

Magal also joked about Levinson’s comment that he used to be a journalist, to which Levinson replied that he had improved over the years.

After Ilana Dayan’s report last week on News 12 about possible criminal mediation between Prime Minister Netanyahu’s lawyers and the prosecutor’s office, Yanon Magal and Haim Levinson clashed on Radio 103FM.

At the beginning of their joint program, Levinson said: “The judges understand that this case is complex and that the decision will not please the prosecutor’s office and Netanyahu’s people, and they should reach a plea deal.” Magal replied: “I think this indicates that it turns out that these cases are weak. I think it will end with nothing or with something very small.”

Levinson contradicted Magal’s words and said: “I think that all the witnesses should be heard, there were very serious allegations against the police and the prosecution, I think that these things should be fully clarified in court. Will it end in a resounding acquittal? Then it will end in a resounding acquittal. Plea deals, It’s the worst. It gives the feeling that everything is in rooms.”

At this point, Levinson turned to Magal and said to him: “How did you, the editor of ‘Walla’ in 2014, who saw the things with your own eyes, come to say that there is nothing in these cases?” Magal replied: “Obviously there was pressure from the Netanyahu family, not from Netanyahu himself, at Walla, obviously there was, because they opened a door for them, and I opposed it.”

At this point, Magal referred to Levinson’s words that he “used to be a journalist,” and told him: “It’s funny to me that you say, ‘You used to be a journalist.’ And when not.”

Levinson replied: “You were a journalist, in recent years you have improved.”

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