Yardena Arazi and Shir Levy first single from the 25th album

by time news

The song “Slowly” was written by a student and a teacher. Avi Aminov was a student at Branko Weiss High School ten years ago. He wrote the song following a serious car accident he went through, together with his teacher from that period, the musician Yoni Yaish who has worked in recent years with Omer Adam, Eyal Golan, Yishai Levy and others. The school principal at the time, and also assisted in recording the sketch for the song is Culture Minister Hili Trooper.
Arazi celebrated her 70th birthday this year, among other things, in a festive show at the Heichal Hatarbut, filming a new documentary and, of course, at the inauguration of Yardena Arazi Street in Haifa. Now, as part of the festive year, she is releasing a new album, 25 in number, which is entirely dedicated to musical collaborations with the best artists in Israel.
This is the first single from the album and the first collaboration between her and Shir Levy who, in parallel with his performances, is currently working on his sixth album with albums behind him that have released hits that have established him as one of the most prominent and promising singers in Israeli music.

Jordana Arazi: “I really like musical collaborations and when I heard the song and the powerful performance of Shir Levy, who is a wonderful singer in my eyes, I immediately felt that there was an interesting, challenging and very natural connection here. It was first love.”

Shir Levy: “The fact that the song itself was written as a collaboration between a young artist and his professional mentor, led us to think of a performance that connects generations, across ages and times. A collaboration of a veteran artist and a young artist. We immediately thought of Yardena Arazi “Me and the audience at every performance. I appreciate and love her and it is an honor for me to sing with her.”

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