Yariv Levin was elected to the position of interim Knesset Speaker by Davar

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The Knesset plenum opened this morning (Tuesday) for the election of a new chairman, MK Yariv Levin (Likud), and the beginning of legislative procedures that will enable the establishment of the new coalition.

Outgoing Prime Minister Yair Lapid attacked during the meeting:

“I want to ask this mother who voted for Likud. Is this what you wanted? When you stood at the polling station and put a ballot for Mhal, is this what you voted for? that’s what you wanted? that with your vote the most extreme government in the history of the country will be established?”

“Our government increased the salaries of IDF soldiers by 50%, the new government prefers to give the money – of your taxes – to eighteen-year-old youths to make sure they don’t enlist and don’t work.”


“I am not ready to give you ownership of Judaism. It is not yours. You are no more Jewish than us.”

Lapid turned to the members of the emerging coalition,

“The Western Wall is also ours, the Kiddush on Arab Shabbat is also ours, the eternity of Israel belongs to all of us. This is not the Likud government, it is certainly not the Netanyahu government. Netanyahu is weak, terrified of his trial, he was taken over by people younger than him, more extreme and determined than him. Smotrich and Deri control the government This one. Netanyahu is a junior partner.”

MK Binyamin Netanyahu (Likud), prime minister-designate, answered Lapid:

“I’m in favor of treating everyone as part of one fabric. But 32 mandates for Likud are a public that all serve in the army, 12 mandates for religious Zionism and Jewish Power serve in the army, and the ultra-Orthodox public also serves in the army and the rescue services. Also check who pays taxes. This whole attempt to divide and divide is wrong Basically. Let me reassure you, there will be electricity on Shabbat, there won’t be a Halacha state, we will dissolve the Likud’s ideological liberal right-wing policy.”

Earlier, in the organizing committee, headed by MK Yoav Kish, the Knesset members’ requests to advance the debate on a number of bills came up on the agenda:

– A bill to amend the Police Ordinance (Powers), by MK Itamar Ben Gabir.

– Legislative amendments to basic laws: the government and the Knesset law:

1 . Basic law proposal: the government (amendment – additional minister in the ministry), by MK Simcha Rothman and Nissim Vattori

2. Basic law proposal: the government (amendment – competence of ministers), by MK Moshe Arbel.

3. The Knesset bill (amendment – the number of Knesset members for the division of factions), by MK Yoav Kish and Hanoch Dov Malbitsky.

Read the full article on the Devar news site

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