Year 2 of the CNRD: modern health infrastructures are emerging, the supply of care is improving

by time news

2023-09-05 15:04:55

September 5, 2021 – September 5, 2023. It has been just two years since the National Rally Committee for Development (CNRD), headed by Colonel Mamadi Doumbouya, took the reins of Guinea. Since this advent, strong measures have been taken in various sectors to improve the well-being of Guineans.

This is the case of the health sector where, under the leadership of Minister Mamadou Péthè Diallo, several reforms and not the least are posed in favor of the populations.

Among the key acts are the finalization of the construction and extension works of the CHU-Donka, followed by its official opening on August 17, 2022. The Donka hospital is modernized and put into service after seven works which have changed its appearance and enhanced the quality of services.

In order to provide quality care to the populations, the government proceeded in November 2022 to the signing of the contract for the construction of the regional hospitals of Kindia, Labé, Kankan with the French group ”Eiffage”. At the same time, the construction works of the eight hemodialysis centers in Conakry and the regional capitals namely Boké, Kindia, Labé, Mamou, Faranah, Kankan and N’zérékoré have been launched and are continuing without interruption.
Improving health care also involves cleaning up the drug distribution circuit. The new authorities understood this issue. This is why from the first hours of the current transition, the government quickly tackled the fight against counterfeit drugs, clandestine clinics and shops selling illegal drugs unfit for consumption.
This crusade was reinforced with the establishment of a National Technical Committee to fight against illegal medical and paramedical practices, trafficking and counterfeiting of drugs and other health products.

To promote access to quality drugs at affordable prices, the Ministry of Health and Public Hygiene has provided the country’s health structures with large stocks of health products, through the Central Guinea Pharmacy ( PCG SA). In the process, the authorities demanded from these health structures the public display of the price of the various services and treatment of users with respect, empathy, humility and consideration. Transparency required!
According to our information, the materialization of free caesarean section and treatment of malaria in health facilities has also become a reality. In addition to regional hospitals and hemodialysis centers, we are told, the Ministry of Health, on the instructions of the President of the transition, Colonel Mamadi Doumbouya, has undertaken the construction of around fifty improved health centers throughout the country. extent of the national territory with the support of technical and financial partners (PTF). Already, several towns and villages have received the keys after the official infrastructure inauguration ceremonies. There is also the provision to the management of the country’s health structures of subsidies amounting to several million Guinean francs to facilitate their operation.
Added to all these are the appointment of many young executives to positions of responsibility to revitalize the system with the relaunch of several programs, the strengthening of the intervention capacities of the National Health Security Agency (ANSS) and the expanded vaccination program (EPI) to revitalize actions to fight multiple epidemics and the purchase and provision of 30 medical ambulances to most of the country’s health structures, not to mention emergency vehicles. functions for most senior managers in the department.

Despite this “promising” assessment, there are still many challenges that have not yet been met in the health sector in Guinea. The non-operationalization of all the services of the university hospital center of Donka, the presence of several interim executives at the head of certain prefectural hospitals in the country are among the priority objectives which the State promises to tackle very quickly.

Youssouf Keita

For the Synergy of the online press

#Year #CNRD #modern #health #infrastructures #emerging #supply #care #improving

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