Yellow and orange zone, rules and movements: what changes tomorrow

by time news

Yellow, orange and red zone: the verdict is coming – with a potential change of color from 3 May – for the regions that adopt rules, measures and prohibitions of varying degrees for travel, school, restaurants and bars. Tomorrow, April 30, the ISS-Ministry of Health monitoring could change the colored map of Italy, which since the beginning of the week is mainly yellow. The freest band includes Lombardy, Lazio, Tuscany, Veneto, Piedmont, Abruzzo, Campania, Emilia Romagna, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Liguria, Marche, Molise, Piedmont, Umbria and the autonomous provinces of Bolzano and Trento. In the orange zone there are Basilicata, Calabria, Puglia, Sicily and Valle d’Aosta. Alone, in the red zone, Sardinia.

Most of the yellow regions should get confirmation in the freer area. The ‘bigs’, in particular, should not be relegated: Lombardy, Lazio, Campania, Veneto. Among the orange regions aspiring to promotion, Puglia stands out, which however has to deal with a ‘heavy’ bulletin for the day of April 28: 1,282 cases of coronavirus registered, with the rise in the contagion curve in the face of a sharp decrease in tests. On the other hand, the number of hospitalized patients continues to decline. There may be changes between orange and red. Sardinia, which just over a month ago was the white zone, hopes to see the effects of the restrictions linked to the red zone to level up. In the orange area, the position of Basilicata should be monitored in particular, which archives a day with 191 other infections but sees the number of patients in hospital drop (-5).


TRAVEL BETWEEN YELLOW REGIONS – From April 26, as shown by the Viminale circular, journeys between yellow regions are free: no self-certification is required. In particular, the rules for private visits until June 15 in the yellow regions have changed. Four people will be able to reach another private home, who will be able to bring with them minor children, even older than 14 years.

These movements can also take place between different yellow regions and it does not matter if the journey involves crossing an orange or red region. These visits, on the other hand, can take place in the orange zone within the limits of the municipality. Finally, they are prohibited in the red zone. Yes to access to second homes, even if they are in the orange or red zone. The movement, including those who return to their residence, does not require vaccination or recovery certificates and swabs.

BARS AND RESTAURANTS – In the yellow area, new reopening criteria for bars and restaurants that will be able to accommodate customers for lunch and dinner as long as they are outdoors. You can only sit at the table, maximum four people, unless they are cohabitants. The distance is fixed at one meter. From 1 June, only in the yellow zone, the restaurants will be open even indoors from 5 to 18. You can only sit at the table, maximum four people, unless they are cohabitants. The ministry’s circular to the prefects clarified some rules for bars. Service at the outdoor tables and even at the counter is allowed only “in the presence of structures that allow outdoor consumption”. Otherwise, only table service and take away, allowed until 6pm.

In the orange and red zone, however, bars and restaurants are closed. The take-away of food and drinks remains allowed until 6 pm from bars and until 10 pm from wine bars, wineries and restaurants. Home delivery of food and drinks is always allowed.

SCHOOL – “From April 26 and until the end of the school year people go back to class even in high schools (upper secondary schools). Attendance is guaranteed in the red zone from 50% to 75%. In the yellow and orange zone from 70 % 100% “announced Palazzo Chigi. As for the university, “from 26 April to 31 July in the yellow and orange areas the activities take place primarily in presence. In the red areas it is recommended to favor in particular the presence of first year students”.

SPORTS, GYM AND POOLS – Gyms and swimming pools remain closed. “From April 26, 2021, in the yellow zone, in compliance with the guidelines in force, it is allowed to carry out any sporting activity outdoors, including team and contact activities. In addition, from May 15, 2021, always in the yellow zone, the activities of the outdoor swimming pools and, from 1 June, those of the gyms “, reads the note from Palazzo Chigi.

In the orange zone it is allowed to carry out outdoor sports or motor activities, even in equipped areas and public parks, provided that in any case respecting the interpersonal safety distance of at least 2 meters for sports activities, unless the presence of a carer for minors or for people who are not completely self-sufficient. It is allowed to go to public and private sports centers and clubs in one’s own municipality or, in the absence of such structures, to neighboring municipalities, to carry out basic sports activities exclusively outdoors. The use of internal changing rooms in clubs is prohibited. In the red zone, basic sports activities and physical activity in general are suspended in public and private sports centers and clubs, both outdoors and indoors. Contact sports prohibited.

CINEMAS, THEATERS, CONCERTS – From 26 April cinemas, theaters, concert halls, live clubs will reopen to the public in the yellow zone. There must be pre-assigned seats and a distance of one meter from each other. The maximum capacity allowed is 50% of the maximum authorized and in any case not exceeding 500 spectators indoors and 1000 outdoors, announced Palazzo Chigi. In relation to the epidemiological trend and the characteristics of the sites, it will be possible to authorize the presence of a greater number of outdoor spectators, in compliance with the indications of the CTS and the guidelines

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