Yellow Vests: Faouzi Lellouche and “Mouton Jaune” return to the new outbreaks of demonstrations

by time news

We receive two Yellow Vests from the start, who have made themselves known for their commitment since the first weekly acts of 2018. In this “Essential Interview”, Faouzi Lellouche and “Mouton Jaune” return to the resumption of the demonstrations on January 7, a day that saw thousands of people gather all over France. At the call of the trade unions to demonstrate against the pension reform this Thursday, January 19, many Yellow Vests announced that they would join the processions. Our two guests evoke on our set the social and economic conditions of the population at the beginning of the year 2023. Another sensitive subject, the repression of the police forces suffered at each demonstration for more than four years now. Faouzi Lellouche, who has long declared to the prefecture the organization of his mobilizations in order to preserve their pacifist course, has no doubt on this subject: according to him, the police sometimes worked to break the non-violent organization of the gatherings of Vests Yellows and would even be responsible for violent drifts by infiltration processes.

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