Yesha Council calls for overthrow of government: “There is no right to exist”

by time news

Members of the Yesha Council will demonstrate tomorrow (Sunday) in front of the cabinet meeting, calling for the overthrow of the government. “There is a freeze, there is no government!” “Destroys Jewish homes, and allows illegal Arab takeover of Area C on the way to establishing a Palestinian state”

For the first time in more than a decade, the Yesha Council is launching demonstrations against government policy, following a freeze policy.

Council members will demonstrate tomorrow (Sunday) in front of the cabinet meeting, calling for the overthrow of the government. “There is a freeze there is no government!” It was announced in the title of the demonstration, claiming that the current government was formed on the basis of maintaining the political status quo and continuing construction in Judea and Samaria as it was in previous governments.

A statement from the Yesha Council, headed by a member of the Tikva Hadasha faction, said: “In recent months, the current government has been freezing construction, demolishing Jewish homes, and allowing illegal Arab takeover of Area C on the way to establishing a Palestinian state.”

The right-wing council, which has so far sat on the fence over the entire issue of supporting the Bennett Lapid government, will now demonstrate for its overthrow. “The freezing government has no right to exist,” was announced on the eve of the expected demonstration tomorrow.

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