Yolanda Díaz assures that there will be an agreement between PSOE and Podemos to reform the Law of ‘only yes is yes’

by time news

In less than a week, Congress hosts the first debate to reform the Law of ‘only yes is yes’. The PSOE continues with the processing of its proposed law, which Podemos opposes head-on. For months, the two parts of the Government tried to agree on a joint reform, although it has been impossible. The socialist part of the Executive decided more than three weeks ago to move forward and register its proposal unilaterally. Since then, P.The Socialist party and Unidas Podemos have held informal talks, but without reaching any rapprochement.

In an interview with Cadena Ser, the Vice President Yolanda Diaz It has been confident that the Socialist Party and United We Can reach an agreement in the coming days. “There is no impossible agreement. It is necessary to reach an agreement and standardize the different approaches. I think there will be an agreement,” he assured emphatically.

Podemos could allow the process to continue negotiating

The division leads the Government to vote separately on March 7 in Parliament. During the last few weeks, the Minister of Equality, Irene Montero, has unsuccessfully begged to meet with the PSOE. Even so, Montero does not want to lose hope of reaching an agreement before Tuesday and so he expresses it in public. However, in private parliamentary sources acknowledge that it seems almost impossible for the two parties to approach positions.

United We Can He has already announced this Friday that he will vote against taking into consideration the PSOE proposal to modify the Law of ‘only yes is yes’. This consideration is the first step in the entire parliamentary process. It is allowed to start the changes, but until their final approval the groups can negotiate tweaks to the text proposed by the Socialists. Vice President Yolanda Díaz has ruled out breaking voting discipline of his group and assured that he will respect what United We Can decide: “I am a democratic person, I see the debates and I am quite disciplined”,

We can accuse the PSOE of playing “consent”

socialists propose to modify the penal part of the law including various subtypes of sexual assault in case there is violence or intimidation. For Podemos this change means touching the consent, the heart of the norm, and return to the previous legislation. The Government recognizes that no reform will prevent sentence reductions for those convicted of sexual assault. Since its entry into force, the rule has caused more than 700 reductions in sentences for sexual offenders and almost 60 of them have been released early from prison, according to the accounting carried out by the CGPJ.

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