Yolanda Díaz disdains the face to face of Sánchez and Feijóo: “Two gentlemen who look to the past” | General elections 23J | Spain

by time news

2023-07-09 20:59:49

Sumar seeks to break through in a complex starting campaign. The coalition headed by Yolanda Díaz, the youngest option of the main ones in dispute in the general elections on July 23, has been working these weeks to explain its project, talk about proposals and steal prominence from the two greats, PP and PSOE. In her first stop in Andalusia, this Sunday before more than a thousand people in an auditorium of the Cartuja de Sevilla, the second vice president of the Government has taken advantage of what will be the central theme of tomorrow, Monday, the debate between Pedro Sánchez and Alberto Núñez Feijóo, to charge against a “bipartisanship” that Sumar considers already expired. “Politics is too serious to turn it into a face to face of zascas between two gentlemen who look to the past,” criticized Díaz, who will not have the opportunity to discuss with the president of the popular throughout the campaign because Feijóo has rejected the formats to four bands in which he would have coincided with Vox, his potential ally. In Seville, a province that has been a traditional stronghold of the Socialists for almost four decades, the leader of the left-wing coalition has also called for the vote of voters “disappointed” with the PSOE.

“There is going to be a debate that looks to the past, a debate typical of the nineties, that does not look at the Spain of the future, at the Spain that wants more rights, happiness, time to live, more wages, more public health and not doing business with it, decent ratios in public education…”, listed Díaz, for whom this Monday’s duel represents a “Spain of the past, which looks to bipartisanship” and which will leave out “the problems of Andalusians and Women’s”. “They have turned politics into a face to face of zascas”, he has insisted.

The 40dB survey. for EL PAÍS and SER shows a slight rise in Sumar in recent days, narrowing the margin with Vox. The fight for third place with Santiago Abascal’s party, mainly in the medium-sized constituencies, which distribute between five and seven seats, can make the difference on the map after 23-J. The call for the undecided vote and specifically for the electorate disenchanted with socialism, highlighting the differences with Sánchez and claiming Sumar as the “authentic useful vote”, has increased in an intense campaign start. Díaz is doing one or two acts every day, given the limited agenda of the President of the Government, a containment that, on the other hand, worries Sumar due to the risk that it will lead to an undermobilization of the left.

“I know that there are many Andalusians who are disappointed with the PSOE. [Los socialistas] They have governed for many years and have not taken advantage of it to improve your lives”, Díaz stressed before referring to the high unemployment rate in the autonomous region, the second highest in Spain. “I ask those of you who have doubts to vote for Sumar. That you have hope ”, he claimed. In a legislature marked by the pandemic and the crisis of the war in Ukraine, much of the “little good news” that the Government has given has been promoted by the minority partner —Unidas Podemos, now integrated into Sumar—, Díaz said in reference to measures such as raising the minimum wage. The battle of Sumar, consider some sources in this space, is also a fight against time. The one that is missing for 23-J and the one that has to consolidate before the public opinion.

Feijóo’s salary

Together with the head of the list for Seville, the professor Francisco Sierra, and other members of the list, Díaz has accused Feijóo of lying about the number of overtime work hours or the labor reform, and has made him ugly to ask in an interview in La Razón this Sunday an audit on discontinuous fixed. “Mr. Fejijóo, start by doing an audit, and I want it to be transparent, about the salary you receive. And that we get to know him before he stands for election”, the vice president challenged before once again urging the popular leader to “sit down to debate” with her.

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In the middle of a heat wave, with a forecast of 40 degrees this Sunday in Seville, climate policies have also occupied a space. “I ask for the vote so that we go out to defend Doñana. Mr. Moreno Bonilla, withdraw the law to legalize irrigation”, the candidate has cried.

Metal workers break into the Díaz rally in Cádiz

Half a hundred metal workers have broken into the Sumar rally in Cádiz this Sunday shortly after eight in the evening. Shouting “Not one step back in the metal fight”, the participants in the protest entered the Plaza de la Catedral during the intervention of the leader of the left-wing coalition, Yolanda Díaz, to “make their fight visible”. in the words of the spokesman, Israel García, who later, however, has apologized and has qualified that it is not a protest against the Minister of Labor, although they demand that she attend to their demands.

The representatives ask that the public company Navantia “put pressure” on the subcontractors, on which they depend, so that “the agreement is complied with” and thus “improve” their working conditions, which they define as “precarious”, in addition to ensuring a load of “dignified, lasting and real” work for the Bay of Cádiz. A little earlier, Díaz had held a meeting with the main unions in the sector.

From the speaker’s lectern, in a brief speech that ended earlier due to the protest, the vice president has called for “quality employment” for the region and has advocated turning SEPI (Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales) into an agency that creates ” sustainable industrial fabric” and “does not depend on the Ministry of Finance”, this legislature in the hands of the PSOE. The act in the city, where Sumar competes in these elections with Adelante Andalucía, the formation of Teresa Rodríguez and the former mayor José María González, Kichihas been shorter than expected, lasting only half an hour, due to the presence of the protesters.

Receive every afternoon the Diario de elecciones bulletin, with the analysis of Ricardo de Querol, deputy editor, and Luis Barbero, editor in chief.

#Yolanda #Díaz #disdains #face #face #Sánchez #Feijóo #gentlemen #General #elections #23J #Spain

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