Yolanda Díaz negotiates against the clock to assume Social Security and control 240,000 million budget

by time news

2023-11-17 23:28:03

The negotiations for the distribution of portfolios in the new coalition Government are attempted to be kept completely secret, but none of the parties hides that the distribution of quotas and percentages of power continues to tighten the rope between PSOE and Sumar, especially when the formation of the Government It’s already a matter of hours. Yolanda Díaz, leader of Sumar and Minister of Labor, does not want to lose space in the next Executive to satisfy the majority of the internal sensitivities of her formation, including Podemos, which would be pressing with its voting independence if the demands of their political quota.

The negotiations have gained terminal speed in the last few hours, in which the negotiating teams of both parties spent yesterday until dawn exchanging papers, with requests that were mostly rejected by the socialist side, under the supervision of María Jesús Montero and , of course, by Pedro Sánchez himself.

What is tied and well tied is that Yolanda Díaz will assume a more important role within the new Executive, which could reach the first vice presidency if the departure of Nadia Calviño to preside over the European Investment Bank (EIB) is confirmed, whose appointment is still It will last until the end of the year if France or Germany do not give their explicit support to the Spanish minister for the position, always with the permission of Montero’s minister, whose weight alongside President Sánchez has increased since the general elections.

Negotiation sources indicated to LA RAZÓN that within his new situation, Díaz wants to expand his ministerial powers, “in order to complete over the next four years the reform of the labor market that began in the previous legislature and that must take the market into the 21st century.” Spanish labor». To this end, his intention is to expand his powers by assuming the portfolio held until now by José Luis Escrivá, about whom everything indicates that his time in the Government has come to an end, as he has made known several times to his intimates in the last times.

This move by Díaz to monopolize both portfolios seems to be in line with Sánchez’s plans to reduce the size of his Executive, which could lose up to five portfolios, among those that disappear, those that are renamed and those that merge.

The latter include Labor and Social Security, which would return to the original situation that they had with the Government of Mariano Rajoy and that had been maintained since 1981, with which, if confirmed, Díaz would control a budget of around 240,000 million. of euros, almost 200,000 corresponding to Social Security and more than 34,000 from Labor and Social Economy.

This separation between both departments, which will have lasted only four years if the merger is confirmed, caused a large additional cost in works and resizing of assets, which must now be reversed. Creating this bicephaly took Escrivá to the building where the Secretary of State for Migration was located, located at 39 José Abascal Street in Madrid. Adapting it to the minister’s tastes cost just over two million euros.

Sources close to the negotiation also recognize that, if this merger is not completed, in order not to give up so much power, there are “other possibilities” for Yolanda Díaz. These same sources acknowledged at the close of this edition that “nothing is yet closed,” so unexpected last-minute twists are not ruled out, such as Labor and Social Security returning to socialist hands and Díaz assuming some other of the most important portfolios. relevant, such as Housing, one of the most desired by Sumar – and before by Podemos – and which has also been put on the table. The merger of Labor and Social Security would leave the future of Inclusion and Migration in the air.

#Yolanda #Díaz #negotiates #clock #assume #Social #Security #control #million #budget

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