Yolanda Díaz praises the unions and asks to put them “in the center”: “They are a factor of democratic expansion”

by time news


“We can change things,” emphasizes the vice president, who keeps her listening project paralyzed. “We will continue to govern”

Former Brazilian President Lula da Silva, with Yolanda Daz, this Wednesday.EFE
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In the midst of the crisis due to the strike in the transport sector and with a labor inspectors’ strike suspended a day before it was to take place, Yolanda Díaz defended the work of the unions and their social function this Wednesday: “They are a factor in expanding democracy” .

This has been remarked by the second vice president from Brazil, where she is attending the International Democracy and Equality Meeting, organized by the Puebla Group. A meeting in which she has coincided, among others, with the former Brazilian president Luiz Incio Lula da Silva. During his speech, Díaz highlighted the role of the unions, of which he said that they are “a value of the first order” and that, together with work, they should be “at the center” of any democratic project.

Daz has been, precisely, the main absence this Wednesday in the Congress of Deputies, where the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, has appeared voluntarily to give an account of the agreements reached in the European Council last week and also about the historic turn given by the Executive in foreign affairs, in relation to Spain’s position on the Western Sahara. United We Can assure that Daz’s trip to Brazil has been closed for “weeks”, which is why the vice president, who appeared this Tuesday after the Council of Ministers to explain the shock plan to the crisis, has attended a I find that the purples they call relevant.

For months, the words of the also Minister of Labor have hinted at the keys to her future political project, whose launch ramp – known as the “listening project” – was due to be presented this April. However, the economic situation and the uncertainty derived from the Russian invasion in Ukraine have led Daz to temporarily “paralyze” the start of his plan, a maneuver that has generated nervousness in certain sectors of Podemos.

Work, fundamental axis

The importance of the unions for Yolanda Díaz, due to her labor trajectory and her management at the Ministry of Labor, could even be reflected in her new political platform with the inclusion of independent profiles. This will be one of the unknowns to be resolved in the coming months, when the vice president’s project, after listening to social agents and civil society, takes shape and weight.

In this regard, Díaz has outlined what the fundamental axes of the democratic society for which she works should be: mental health, human economies, feminism and planets with a future. And the value of work, she has reiterated her, in the center.

Thus, the vice president advocates “small policies, very attached to the people”, in relation to the listening time that she hopes to deploy shortly. “There is hope, we are excited. We can change things. We are going to continue governing in Spain”, she has settled.

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