Yom Kippur 2022: the beginning of Kippur and basic laws you need to know

by time news

The Yom Kippur will start this year on Tuesday, the 9th of Tashri, 4/9/2022, and will end on Wednesday, the 10th of Tashri, 5/9/2022. On this day it is commanded to fast and fast. This day is written in the Torah “…Because on this day he will atone for you to purify you, you will be cleansed from all your sins before God.“. So when does the fast start, how do you do penance? What will the weather be like during the fast, and who does not have to fast? | The complete guide for Yom Kippur 2022

Entrance of Kippur:

Jerusalem: 17:45
Tel Aviv: 18:01
Haifa: 17:53
Be’er Sheva: 18:03
Tiberias: 17:49
Safed: 17:53
Eilat: 17:52

Leaving the fast of Kippur:

Jerusalem: 18:55
Tel Aviv: 18:57
Haifa: 18:56
Beer Sheva: 18:57
Tiberias: 18:54
Safed: 18:54
Eilat: 18:56

Forecast for Yom Kippur 2022

The expected forecast for Kippur: partly cloudy to clear, and with no noticeable change in temperatures, which are slightly higher than the average for the period. Light to moderate heat load in the mountains, moderate in the coastal plain, in the lowlands, and in the north of the Negev, heavy in the valleys of the east, in the Dead Sea and in the Arabah.

The laws of Yom Kippur in a nutshell

For Yom Kippur: It is a mitzvah to do from the Torah to return to God, by confessing our bad deeds and repenting of them, as well as accepting ourselves for the future not to repeat the sin. (Deuteronomy 3, Rambam 10 Tshuva). It is appropriate for everyone to prepare a list ahead of time in a notebook, of the transgressions he remembers from the past year, and of bad behaviors (Rabbi Yona, Rish Shaarei Tshuva). And to confess from it during the fasting prayers.

How do you answer?

How do you answer? He acknowledges his sin, confesses to G-d with his mouth, leaves the offense and does not continue it in the present, regrets the offense in his mind, is ashamed of it in his heart, and undertakes not to repeat it in the future (from the Resh Halachot Tshuva).

A mitzvah between a person and a place:

In the mitzvot between a person and a place – one must confess to G-d, and not detail the sin to others (Yoma Fu:) but if his sin became public, one must publicly announce that he has returned in repentance (Rabad 4, 16: Repentance).

A commandment between a person and his friend:

In the mitzvot between a person and his friend – one must confess and ask for forgiveness from the friend, and also confess before God, and it is proper to publish one’s answer to others.

If he has hurt a friend but his friend does not know, such as speaking slander about him (which harmed him. Hefetz Chaim Klal D.A.K.Mach), if he estimates that the friend will not be hurt more by learning of the sin, he must ask for forgiveness from him. But if he estimates that the friend will be angry and offended by the knowledge The offense against him must be avoided asking for forgiveness. In any case, he must pay for what he harmed, and he will do everything to prevent further harm.

Yom Kippur photo: shutterstock

Laws on Yom Kippur Eve

The practice of atonement

‘atonements’ – Some elders abolished the custom of atonement, due to the similarity to the customs of idolatry (Ramban and Rashba in Shu’at 1 Shatza, and also a ruling in Shu’a Tara). It is true that we usually make atonements, on a rooster or on money (the value of a rooster – About twenty shekels).

It is allowed to make atonements on the credit card or Paybox and Bit apps, by donating online through them. Turn the card/cell phone over your head as if it were money, and mean the amount of the donation when saying the atonements. If he practices like this, he will not say ‘those who are deformed will go to charity’ but rather ‘the amount I directed will go to charity’.

Interrupting meal

It is a mitzvah to eat as much as possible on this day, especially delectable foods (Yoma Pa:, Rash Shem, Sha’a Tarad and Sh’Nav SKA, and not as Rambam). Some have explained that the Torah seeks to make the fast easier for us through food (28 1844), and some have explained that the Torah came to make it a little more difficult for us on this day as well (Aruhash 1844).

  • One prays a minach early before a break meal and during the minach one says a confession in the spell prayer but not in the repetition of the Shatz. If he forgets to say the confession and remembers after a break meal – he will say a confession when he remembers before dark (from the meaning of Rabbi Yoma Paz).
  • The person who prays alone on Yom Kippur does not say the 13 measures of mercy in forgiveness. And if he wants to say them according to the Bible, he is allowed (the Gra will be saved).
  • Candles are lit in the blessing (of Yohak), and also that we have lived, as written in the cycle. In addition, a soul candle must be lit, since the Havdalah is made on a candle that has been burning all day. The father (and some also practice the mother) blesses the sons and daughters, as written in the cycle. The children are kissed by the parents’ hands After the blessing (the writings of the Ari).
  • Wrapping yourself in a tallit before sunset as a blessing, the ancient Ashkenazi custom of walking with a ‘kitel’ or in white clothes to resemble angels and to remind us of the day of death to awaken us to repentance. It is the custom of the Ashkenazim to say ‘Tefila Zachah’ before every vow. Men do not wear gold color in their clothes (due to the golden calf, which does not have a category, we do not defend it).
  • A person who is forced to pray alone in his home and not in the synagogue, will adjust the time of his spell prayers, so that it corresponds approximately to the time when this prayer is held in his regular synagogue, and this is a kind of prayer in public.

The Laws of Fasting Kippur

The fast begins in the evening (Leviticus 23).

  • Five things must be avoided on Yom Kippur – eating and drinking, washing, lubrication, wearing the sandal, marital relations. (Gm. Yoma, Rambam PA 84. In the opinion of the Rabbi, everyone is madrbanan except for eating and drinking, and in Rambam’s opinion everything is Madoriyata).
  • It is forbidden to do work on Yom Kippur (including transferring from fire to fire). (Leviticus 23)
  • A woman giving birth, pregnant, and a patient who finds it difficult to stand – are allowed to bathe in their own way, not for pleasure but for health and cleanliness. (Rambam PG 12, Arusha Tarig Sat)
  • For those who find it difficult to fast, it is permissible to chew flavorless gum on Yom Kippur, but it is appropriate to make it worse (from the meaning of Maga 16. and KH Hamim there even by swallowing saliva).
  • Bathing for pleasure should be avoided (Shu’a Tarig). But washing for cleanliness is permitted as a matter of principle (Rishoniim, Maga ibid. SKA).
  • Washing for cleanliness and pleasure together (such as hot water on a dirty face) is forbidden (from the meaning of the Rama’a Shem 44).
  • A bride who got married within thirty days before Yom Kippur may wash her face as usual despite the fast. (Yoma Ag:, Shu’a, Mark Tarig, Section J).
  • It is appropriate to avoid wearing deodorant on Yom Kippur. And those who would be bothered by this or others, can apply a spray but avoid ointment.
  • When necessary, it is permissible to clean the hands with alcohol gel, for cleaning and not for pleasure, and there is no prohibition of lubrication or washing (the Graha will be used)
  • Whoever has wounds on his head, etc., is allowed to put oil there for relief like every day. (Sho’a Siman Tarid).
  • Some make it strict not to wear crocs and comfortable root sandals (according to Sha’rat Takand Skai’a, and Mash’nav there Skai’), but the principle of the law is that it is permissible. Even small children should avoid wearing leather sandals on Yom Yom Kippur (Yomma 8:).
  • A woman who gave birth within thirty days before Yom Kippur is allowed to wear leather shoes (Yomma 18:, and there are those who wanted to make it worse these days, there are comfortable rubber shoes, Net’ag PMZ).
  • Touching between the couple should be avoided at night, but during the day the stick with touching has something to rely on. (The 16th Tartu SKA, the Aurochs Tartu SA, unlike the MGA and Shannav which worsened)
  • It is permissible to bathe children on Yom Kippur if necessary, in lukewarm water, but not hot. (B.H. and M.G.A. Tartez SKA, and M.S.N.B. Ibid.) Children up to mitzvah age are exempt from fasting, but they must be taught to fast a little. Boys from the age of 12 and girls from the age of 11 who are healthy and able to fast, usually fast properly (Bah and Maga Saskov), and some have made it easy for them to fast a complete fast only from the age of mitzvot (Hagash 7).

Photo: shutterstock

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