Yom Tov Kalphon’s revenge: Yamina may lose control of the Ministry of Religion

by time news

On May 13, the eve of Shabbat Behar, a few minutes before Shabbat, Knesset member Yom Tov Kalphon learned of his dismissal. Kalphon, who fought Yamina’s war and defended it in every forum, was sent home in disgrace after it was suspected that he might betray his party members and defect from the coalition. Bennett and Kahana did not know that this move would backfire on them in the future.

Right, will you lose control of the office?

According to a Kaan 11 publication, on August 13 Bennett’s term as Acting Minister of Religious Services will expire. On the same day, the Deputy Minister for Religious Services, Matan Kahana, will also end his post, because he has not yet obtained a majority for his new appointment. If Kahana does not manage to get enough signatures for his new name, the one who will be appointed as the minister of religious services is the deputy director of the ministry, Gal Shem Tov.

As I recall, Kahana resigned from his position as minister on the same Friday that Kalfon was fired, so that he could return to the Knesset in place of the Norwegian Kalfon. Since then, the ousted Knesset member has already managed to return to the Knesset, due to the resignation of another right-wing member, Amichai Shikli.

Calfon does not promise to vote in favor of Kahana’s appointment as minister

As you may recall, last week we reported that Kahana is interested in returning to the position of minister because during the month of August he will complete three months as deputy minister, after which he will not be able to continue in the temporary position. According to reports, Kahana is in talks with a number of parties in the coalition requesting support for the appointment. Sources on the right told Kipa News that it is not clear whether Kalfon will support the appointment and may demand in return the promotion of issues dear to his heart, among others in the fields of immigration and absorption.

Kalphon thanks for his return to the Knesset on the Temple Mount:

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