Yonatan Hazan: The Chess Prodigy of Ben Gurion University

by time news

2024-01-19 14:27:17

Recently, a unique event took place at Ben Gurion University: one chess player played simultaneously against 32 other players. So how many games did he win?

Meet Yonatan Hazan, a 4th year student in the Department of Software Engineering and Information Systems. Yonatan runs the Ben-Gurion University chess club and is one of its founders. Recently, there was an event where the chess players in the university community were invited to the club launch event, where Yonatan, wearing a shirt calling for the shutdown of Noa Argamani, played against 32 boards at the same time.

“I study in the same department with Noa Argamani, a year above her. Unfortunately, Noa did not start the school year with us, so at every opportunity I feel the obligation to mention Noa in our activities and take advantage of the opportunity to raise awareness of the struggle for reactivation. Noa should be part of every event and I Hopefully she will return soon together with all the abductees,” says Yonatan.

Yonatan has been playing chess since the age of 9 and played in the chess club of Hapoel Beer Sheva, which bears the name of the late Eliyahu Levant. Yonatan is ranked at the top of the branch in Israel and his rank is ‘senior candidate for artist’, on behalf of the Israel Chess Union. Yonatan won an international chess competition organized Several years ago at the initiative of the Association of Friends of the University in France, in which more than 80 active chess players from Israel, France, England, Russia, Georgia, Kazakhstan and Morocco took part.

His first place win then is added to an impressive list of achievements over the years in the “Game of Kings”. Last year, Yonatan won the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev chess championship in which 70 active chess players, faculty members and students took part. Following this win, Yonatan represented the university last year in an international chess tournament at the City Hall in Paris.

“Chess is an amazing game, thanks to which I participated in many national and international competitions,” says Yonatan and adds: “There is a stigma about chess because it is a game that is only intended for the wise, but I really do not agree with that. In my opinion, it is exactly the opposite – the more you play chess Get smarter. Our chess club is open to all levels and has over 50 members who meet on Tuesday evenings to learn and play chess: it’s fun, social, challenging and interesting.”

About the connection between his studies in the software and information systems engineering department and his expertise in the field of chess, Yonatan says: “From the world of chess, I learned how to solve problems and find solutions under time pressure. To a certain extent, you can say that the tools I acquired in chess help me in my academic studies.”

In case you were wondering, out of the 32 players he played against, Jonathan won 30.

Interested in the club? Registration is in progress, you can contact the Student Dean’s Office or send an email [email protected]

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