“You are not wanted” : Strache was kicked out of the “Techno Cafe” in Volksgarten

by time news

VIENNA. Heinz-Christian Strache wanted to party with his friends at the “Techno Cafe” in the Vienna Volksgarten. However, for the former Chancellor and Deputy Prime Minister, the party ended at the door before it even started. The owner of the restaurant told him, “You are not welcome. Our guests are disturbed by you.” When Strache waited at the door for a long time and was not allowed in, Strache protested in the Austrian press, saying, “I am being discriminated against.”

It has been highlighted by political analysts that Strache, who has been increasing his votes by insulting people of Turkish origin, especially in Vienna, by saying things like “they smell like garlic” or worse (Election-Mustafa-Sapan-Shoot), and who resigned from his position as Deputy Prime Minister and party chairman due to the Ibiza Scandal, has fallen into a deplorable situation.

The “Techno Café” has been one of the most popular and trendy places in Vienna for years! The legendary after-work party in particular is one of the highlights of the summer. Every Tuesday, half of Vienna meets at the pavilion to celebrate together. That’s exactly what former FPÖ leader Heinz-Christian Strache wanted to do on Tuesday, August 20. However, things turned out differently and instead of a big party, the former Vice Chancellor had to stand at the entrance.

It was in the last entry

In his statement to Strache Heute,“After dinner, I received a call from my friends saying they were at the ‚Techno Cafe‘ and that I should come,” he said. There was a group of 15 people waiting for the 55-year-old man there, and they were all regulars at the tavern!” he said.

Strache accepted the invitation and went straight there. However, when the former Austrian Deputy Prime Minister wanted to enter the Techno Cafe, he was first told, “Please wait!” “I was then told by a security guard that I should please wait and that the organiser wanted to speak to me,” the politician said.

“You are not wanted”

The organizer came to the entrance shortly afterwards and said that Strache was “not wanted at the Techno Cafe.” Strache explained, “The reason was that there were guests who were uncomfortable with me. I said that we live in a free country and I hoped there would be no discrimination. I am not guilty of anything and I am a free person like everyone else.”

“I find this incomprehensible.”

Strache continued: “Such discrimination for party-political reasons is unacceptable.” He was asked to leave the venue by the organiser “because I am not wanted at Techno Cafe”.

Heinz-Christian Strache later did not want to discuss the matter with the organiser and “took note” of the decision. However: “I find it incredible what kind of society we live in today and how something like this could happen.”

“Techno Cafe” did not want to comment on the incident when asked about it.

2024-08-21 12:33:09

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