It is reported that throughout the month of September, residents of the capital will be able to pick up bags and special containers free of charge at 10 Lidl stores in Vilnius.
“These tools could already be picked up at our stores in the previous months, which really attracted a lot of interest from the population. We believe that in this way, customers will not only be able to shop conveniently, but at the same time they will also take the sorting tools, thus avoiding having to go elsewhere for these tools”, Lidl Lietuva’s head of corporate affairs and communication Antanas Bubnelis is quoted in the report.
It is indicated that all biodegradable waste can be thrown into the special orange bags: food products that are no longer suitable for consumption, peels, peels, grubs, egg shells, tea and coffee grounds, indoor plants and their parts, paper towels, napkins and nutritional supplements that are no longer suitable for consumption .
Waste that has entered mixed municipal waste containers and is packed in orange bags goes to mechanical biological treatment facilities. In them, bags are sent for recycling and food waste for composting.
2024-09-02 11:24:48