You can quit! Research shows that e-cigarettes double the risk of blindness, reveal 3 causes

by time news

open research results E-cigarettes double their risk of blindness due to chemicals in e-cigarettes. Destroys the fat layer of tears, reveals 3 reasons, raises the case of a 22-year-old man with eye cancer

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On April 8, 65, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ruengrudee Patanavanich, Department of Community Medicine Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital Published research from the American Journal of Ophthalmology. March 2022 issue, looking at the relationship between e-cigarettes and visual impairment.

which is the research of the Department of Ophthalmology The study was based on the U.S. Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) data in a population aged 18 years and over, 2016-2018, totaling 1,173,646. To analyze the relationship between e-cigarette smokers and visual impairment. (blindness or severe vision problems even with glasses)

by controlling other health risk factors that affect visual impairment such as age, sex, ethnicity, income, body mass index, alcohol consumption history, mental health, including regular smoking which the study found People who smoke e-cigarettes are more likely to have visual impairment than non-smokers. If considering only the group of people who have never had a history of regular smoking before It was found that people who smoke e-cigarettes have a 1.96-fold increased risk of visual impairment than those who do not smoke e-cigarettes.

“The research team has assumed the causes of e-cigarettes to cause vision loss for 3 reasons: 1. caused by polypropylene. Glycol is a key ingredient in electronic cigarette liquids. Produce free radicals that destroy the fat layer of the tears (tear film), causing tears of poor quality. Can’t maintain eye moisture Lead to inflammation, dry eyes, irritation. 2. Electronic cigarettes cause an imbalance between free radicals and the anti-oxidation system in the body. which was found to increase the chance of cataracts, glaucoma or macular degeneration The blood supply to the eyes and optic nerve is reduced. Increase the risk of glaucoma,” said Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ruengruedi.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ruengruedi added that recently there were reports of a 22-year-old patient in the United States with a history of smoking e-cigarettes for five consecutive years, an average of at least five cigarettes a day, with no history of regular smoking. before Was diagnosed with “eye cancer” came to the doctor with blurred vision. It was originally thought to be caused by a virus infection. but the treatment did not improve until found to have eye cancer This disease is not common, especially in young people. Doctors assumed it was a result of e-cigarette smoking because no other risk factors were found. Therefore, I would like to leave it to people who smoke e-cigarettes or want to try that e-cigarettes are more dangerous than they thought.

Prof. Dr. Prakit Vatisathakakit, president of the Campaign for No Smoking Foundation, said that research studies on the dangers of e-cigarettes are increasing. Although e-cigarettes have only been around for 15 years, it is not a good idea to jump to the conclusion that e-cigarettes are less harmful than conventional cigarettes. Because in the case of regular cigarettes, it takes more than 100 years of research to know that smoking causes lung cancer.

In the past, tobacco companies did not accept and tried to pervert the dangers of cigarettes all along. until the United States Court of Justice Judge that cigarette companies hide the truth about the dangers of cigarettes and target youth marketing So I want the society to help us watch that history is repeating itself as cigarette companies and e-cigarette advocacy networks are trying to misrepresent e-cigarettes as less harmful for business gain.

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