You can request a loan for supplies in this return to school in Tamaulipas, we tell you how – El Sol de Tampico

by time news

2023-08-03 21:24:52

This month of August comes the return to school in Tamaulipas, and if you are a parent and if you require support to acquire school supplies, through the State Government you can obtain a loan to benefit your economy.

The credit, which is granted through the Institute of Welfare and Social Security of the State of Tamaulipas (IPSSET) It is intended for public servants of the state administration, unionized, trusted and extraordinary personnel.

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There are more than 5 thousand benefited workers

All workers who have contributions to the Pension Fund for more than 6 months, as well as pensioners and IPSSET pensioners, can request the appeal; as long as they meet the established requirements and have the ability to pay.

The amount for the loan is granted per student, therefore, if the public servant is a student or has more than one student child in the preschool to university levels, they can request more than one loan, as long as they have the capacity to pay.

The IPSSET, as reported through a community, has benefited during the year 2023 more than 5,400 State Government workers, retirees and pensioners, for an amount of more than 340 million pesos.

How to apply for the loan for supplies?

EL SOL DE TAMPICO reported that, according to estimates from the South Tamaulipas Parents of Families Union, the return to school this 2023 has a cost of 2,500 to 5,000 pesos.

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The credit can be requested throughout the month of August, and is for the amount of 1,200 pesos to be paid eight fortnightly without interest. The information on Tabulator 2023, the requirements for the procedure, and the formats to request the loan are available at is link.

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Remember that this process is completely free. And there is the email [email protected] and telephone 834-318-7300 ext. 76443, 76448 and 76416, from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, for more information on the loan to buy supplies in this return to school in Tamaulipas.

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