“You can’t stop love, at best you can trip him up”- Corriere TV

by time news

(LaPresse) “You can’t stop love, at most you can trip him up. But he stands up and goes on”: Luciana Littizzetto’s touching monologue to ‘Che tempo che fa’ on rainbow families after the transcription ban to the registry office of children of same-parent couples.

Littizzetto tells the story of Luca and Marta, one raised in a ‘traditional’ family and the other with two mothers, then makes an appeal. “Do not discriminate against children for the way they were conceived or for the identity of the parents. Think about helping families and not making life even more difficult for them. Or you will look like someone who wants to mop up the sea”

March 19, 2023 – Updated March 19, 2023 , 11:26 pm

© Time.News

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