“You just have to taste it” – Dāvis Šteinbergs from Roje says about the new snack

by time news

A little more than a month has passed since the “fried” miracle of Rojenese people – “Fish Jerky” – has been found on the shelves of local stores.

Creating a new product is a dynamic process that requires creativity and strategic thinking. Dāvis Šteinberg from Roja together with the fish cooking company SIA «Kaltenes zivis» managed to create a product that was not only made with locally available resources and meets the needs of local consumers, but also created to financially help the development of basketball club «Roja».

“Fish Jerky” is a fish snack with a classic smoked taste, which can stay at room temperature for up to three months with the help of technology. As Dāvis Šteinbergs admits, the very seed of the idea arose from how something that is available here on the spot can be made into something profitable. “The product is produced here in Kaltene, and soon we plan to introduce it to the rest of the world, also outside the borders of Latvia,” reveals Dāvis Šteinbergs, adding that creating a product from what is available around and bears fruit is a victory, but also a challenge. It took half a year from the very beginning of the idea to the first result, but Dāvis believes that the biggest challenges are still ahead.

“In my opinion, this is an excellent model for everyone who is interested in entrepreneurship and wants to try to get into the shoes of an entrepreneur. You don’t always need very large investments. What is needed more is imagination, time, understanding of how things work, and putting all skills to use,” said the businessman.

Currently, the product created by a native of Roja can be found in three retail stores: in Roja “Ķipītī”, in Valdemārpils “Valdemār” and in Talsos in the store “Bodele”. As Dāvis reveals, the product will be available on the shelves of the wholesale company “Gemoss” every moment. “I will whisper that this is not the only product we are currently working on. By cooperating with local companies, there will probably be more new products very soon,” reveals Dāvis Šteinbergs, emphasizing that there are many goals and ambitions.


2024-08-22 10:28:15

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