You should never be recommended by a life coach.

by time news

2023-08-18 23:00:39

Obesity is a risk factor for the development of more than 100 different diseases and conditions.
Intermittent fasting has become popular through social networks and those who recommend it the most are the so-called life coaches.
This way of eating is not a long-term option because it can cause side effects such as feelings of hunger, irritability, nausea, difficulty concentrating, and anxiety.

The obesity crisis is worldwide and is becoming a more dangerous problem every time. One of the many factors that cause weight gain is not maintaining a proper diet and eating in excessive portions. Against this background the intermittent fasting It is one of the options chosen by people to lose weight. The drawback is that it is not always the best alternative and can even be counterproductive.

From self-medication to diets without scientific support

One of the biggest problems that most people commit is self-medication. To date it is estimated that at least 80 percent consume drugs on their own initiative and without the endorsement of a health professional. The consequences of this bad decision are partial recoveries, relapses and global phenomena such as drug resistance.

A similar scenario occurs with the diets because they should never be carried out without the endorsement of a nutritionist or health professional. An erroneous belief is that to lose weight you must eat less. It is not a minor issue because it can even be the start of serious problems.

Given this, the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS) alerted the population about the possible damage to health by the practice of alternative diet known as intermittent fasting. He indicated that it has become popular through the internet and social networks by the so-called life coaches, who promote them without scientific support or supervision of health professionals.

In this sense, to start any type of diet or eating plan it is mandatory to go to a nutritionist. In addition, all strategies must be personalized because they must focus on each patient and are not general.

What is intermittent fasting?

In this regard, Lilia Hernández Alvarado, who is the Nutrition Delegation Coordinator of the Decentralized Administrative Operation Body (OOAD) of the IMSS in Zacatecas, pointed out that intermittent fasting is a dietary treatment option that is based on seeking periods of fasting or food restriction. for weight control.

Despite the above, among its disadvantages is that, by putting the body in a situation of calorie deficit, it is not an option in the long term and can generate side effects such as feelings of hunger, irritability, nausea, difficulty concentrating and anxiety.

“Intermittent fasting is different than what we recommend as a healthy diet. We base a healthy diet on the plate of good eating, which includes three food groups: cereals such as rice, bread, tortilla; the red group, which are proteins of animal origin, chicken, fish, eggs, milk and cheese, and legumes, which are vegetable proteins such as beans, broad beans, chickpeas, lentils and soybeans; the third group are the fruits and vegetables that will provide us with vitamins and minerals”.

Recommendations for a healthy diet

Hernández Alvarado pointed out that the basis of a healthy nutrition is to include a food from each group to cover the nutritional needs of a person and stressed that the practice of intermittent fasting can be particularly risky in adults over 70 years of age, children and adolescents.

“It is also not recommended in people with a history of eating disorders, or people who suffer from anxiety or depression already diagnosed by a mental health specialist. We are not going to recommend it to people with chronic kidney disease because they have a completely different metabolism of fats and proteins, due to the nature of their disease.”

The IMSS specialist pointed out that intermittent fasting has the objective of providing few calories, less than what the person expends during the day, so that the body can use other nutrients such as fats as the main source of energy and with that achieve weight reduction, in body measurements and percentage of fat mass; however, she pointed out that each organism has a different impact, so it is important to receive specialized attention when seeking weight reduction.

Also read:

Alternative diets from social networks: Nutritionists ask not to follow them because they are dangerous

Weight loss, a good wish for health that can become dangerous

Tips that you should transmit to take care of the intestinal health of your patients

#recommended #life #coach

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