Young generation will be richest ever

by time news

German labor market researcher forecast

«Young generation will be the richest ever»

Rarely has the world faced greater challenges than it does today. Many boys are therefore afraid of the future. Unnecessary, says labor market researcher Enzo Weber. The young generation will be the richest of all time.

First Corona, then Ukraine war and inflation and possibly soon an energy crisis. The world is in quite a turmoil right now. It is therefore hardly surprising that many young people are pessimistic about their future.

According to the German labor market researcher Enzo Weber (42), however, they have no reason to do so. He predicts a golden future for them. “The young generation will be the richest that has ever existed,” he says to “Spiegel”. Where does Weber get this optimism from? In the end, prosperity comes from technological progress and higher productivity. “And we will achieve this through digitization and ecological transformation”.

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