Young woman walking with lions by the tail; Stunned spectators; Video | Lion | Woman | Walking

by time news

Videos of animals and birds are gaining traction on social media. The image of a young woman holding a lion’s tail and walking behind a herd of lions is now flooding social media. The young woman travels with the herd of lions without any fear. The young woman was traveling through the jungle with 6 lions. The conclusion is that this is a view from a safari park in Kenya.

The young woman’s journey with the lions was light. Surprisingly, not one of the six lions tried to attack the young woman or the person who recorded the video, even though he was holding his tail and walking behind him. The group consisted of female lions. The video was shared on the Safari Gallery Instagram page.

In early January, the sight of a young woman carrying a lion trying to jump through the streets caught the attention of social media. Kuwait was frightened by a pet lion that jumped out of its cage that day. The incident took place in Sabahia area. The owner of the lion, with the help of police officers, caught the lion from the settlement. The scene came out that the lion was trying to jump out of the woman’s hand. The lion was owned by the young woman and her father.


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