“Your life is in danger”… Go to the doctor immediately if these signs appear in your arm before you suffer a health disaster

by time news
“Your life is in danger” .. Go immediately to the doctor if these signs appear in your arm before you suffer a health disaster

High blood cholesterol causes enormous physical problems, it must be avoided and continuous follow-up to avoid exposure of the person to blockage in the arteries that may expose the person to a stroke. Which contains a high percentage of fat, all of these habits cause high cholesterol in the blood, and blockage of arteries and blood vessels, which then causes a person to have several health problems, and when these problems occur, we find signs on the body indicating blockage of the arteries, and we will show you how to know these tags.

Dangers of high cholesterol

There are several risks that a person is exposed to when he develops a high level of cholesterol in the blood, after which the arteries begin to clog, which exposes the person to the appearance of blue marks in his body, and continuous atherosclerosis causes blockage in the coronary arteries in the heart, and a person is exposed to a sudden heart attack, and high Sugar and pressure in the blood, cause high cholesterol in the blood, it is necessary to follow healthy regimes to maintain the health of the heart and arteries and avoid heart attacks.

Causes of high cholesterol in the blood

Cholesterol does not rise without human circulation of unhealthy habits, so there are several unhealthy reasons followed by many people that cause heart disease and blockage of the arteries, and it is necessary to know these reasons to avoid them to maintain health, and maintain heart health, where high cholesterol comes from in the blood as a result of the following reasons.

  1. Eating unhealthy foods full of saturated fats that cause artery blockage.
  2. Not exercising and sitting permanently after eating causes a high percentage of body fat.
  3. Drinking alcohol, which causes a disturbance in the heartbeat, high blood pressure, and exposure to various heart diseases.
  4. Weight gain is the main cause of high cholesterol, as a result of the accumulation of fat on the abdomen.
  5. Smoking causes blockage and hardening of the arteries, especially the lungs, which causes chronic heart disease.
  6. Family hereditary factors.

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