Your self-esteem, your main enemy

by time news

2024-02-03 18:00:00

All people have needs, of different kinds, and seek to cover them either to generate more well-being or to avoid pain.

When there is an unsatisfied need that generates discomfort, and that leads to acting accordingly (I’m sleepy, so I sleep, I’m hungry, so I eat).

Why does a person self-sabotage?

People sabotage themselves because they are afraid of their own thoughts and their value judgments about things.

How to realize?

Identifying the internal saboteur, for this it is necessary to analyze the internal dialogues and start working on it.

When your internal dialogue tends to be defeatist in nature, that is, capable of making you make excuses for not doing something that can be positive for your life, accompanied by negative thoughts, such as: “I am worthless”, “she does it”. better than me, then I better not even try”, “I can’t”, etc… Recognizing these mental traps and calling them into question helps us find strategies to overcome them.

How to stop self-sabotaging?

Stopping being our own enemies.

Today I will leave you a list of actions that can help you start working with this dialogue that will ultimately help you grow as a person or get out of the known zone.

Some recommendations that could help you:

  • Start the day giving thanks for being who you are, first always accept where you are.

  • Ask yourself: How do I feel today? How do I want to feel?

  • Have healthy daily habits such as: going for a walk, meditating, doing conscious breathing, exercising, taking your pet for a walk and taking a walk, observing nature. All of this will get you in touch and make you feel better.

  • Be clear about your goals for the day and in life (medium and long term), where you want to go, what you are going to do today, no matter how small it is that brings you closer to achieving something.

  • Observe what you think and how you think, by detecting what you are thinking, identify the emotion associated with it. That’s where your internal saboteur is being activated.

  • Identify what thought you will use to replace that negative that has come on the scene.

  • Work on your internal dialogue. For this part, it is often necessary to resort to the help of mental health professionals such as therapists, psychologists, mentors or coaches depending on the nature of the problem.

  • Work on your emotional intelligence, learn to manage your emotions.

  • Learn to communicate assertively, many times not communicating something causes time to pass and a snowball that is difficult to deal with later.

  • Focus on the present. Meditation helps a lot for this.

  • Leave perfectionism aside, it will only keep you from doing something new.

  • Avoid comparing yourself to other people. You will never know what you are capable of nor will you know yourself.

  • by Paula Cabalén

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    #selfesteem #main #enemy

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