Youssoufia Province: Celebration of the 18th anniversary of the INDH

by times news cr

Chaired by the governor of the province of Youssoufia, Mohamed Salem Essabti, in the presence of local elected officials, INDH partners, civil society actors, and heads of external services, this meeting was an opportunity to present the results of the INDH in its third phase, with a detailed focus on its four programs, as well as on the direct and concrete impact of the projects on the targeted categories and populations.

During this meeting, particular emphasis was also placed on the tireless efforts made to improve the various human development indicators in this province.

In a speech for the occasion, Mr. Salem Essabti, also president of the Provincial Committee for Human Development (CPDH), stressed that the third phase of the INDH is based on a “new engineering” aimed at boosting the human capital of rising generations, by proactively addressing obstacles to human development, while ensuring the preservation and consolidation of the achievements made during the first and second phases of this Royal project.

At the level of this province, the results of the Initiative are none other than the fruit of colossal efforts and the effective support of all stakeholders and partners, including government departments, local authorities, civil society and the private sector, he continued.

While highlighting the full and complete support of the population and their participation in the different stages, starting from diagnostic operations and defining priorities, through implementation, financing and management and impact assessment, Mr. Salem Essabti stressed that the INDH is based on the principles of dignity, active participation, transparency, proximity, consultation with stakeholders, and balanced partnership, in addition to responsible contractualization and good governance.

And to continue that during the period 2019-2022, some 442 projects were carried out within the framework of the INDH for an amount of more than 126.40 million DH (MDH), to which the INDH contributed with more than 110.50 MDH.

While recalling that the celebration of the 18th anniversary of the INDH coincides with the last year of its third phase, Mr. Essabti stressed the need to evaluate the results recorded within the framework of a participatory approach by the different partners, saying he was in favor of intensifying the efforts of the local human development committees (CLDH) and partner government departments, with a view to implementing the INDH project and strengthening the territorial approach based on planning and convergence between the different programs.

Subsequently, the audience followed a detailed presentation, presented by the Social Action Division (DAS) of the province of Youssoufia, focusing on the assessment of projects and achievements within the framework of program 4 relating to “boosting the human capital of rising generations”, the number of projects carried out during the period 2019-2022 amounts to 60, for a total cost of 76.36 MDH, financed entirely by the INDH.

Regarding program 3 relating to “improving the income and economic inclusion of young people”, the number of projects validated by the CPDH amounts to 331 for a total cost of 31.62 MDH, including 15.28 MDH as a contribution from the INDH.

Concerning the program relating to “support for people in precarious situations”, some 47 projects were carried out, for a total amount of 17.6 MDH, entirely financed by the INDH, while the number of projects carried out within the framework of program 1 “Catching up deficits in infrastructure and basic social services” is 4, with a total cost of 0.82 MDH, entirely financed by the INDH.

At the end of this meeting, Mr. Essabti and the delegation accompanying him went to the Awakening Center for Education and Training in Youssoufia, the result of a partnership between the INDH and the Ministry of National Education, Preschool and Sports.

This Center, supervised by 12 facilitators, offers reading, computer, music, theater and visual arts workshops for the benefit of some 5,808 beneficiaries.

In a statement to the press, the head of the Division of Educational Affairs, Planning and School Mapping within the Provincial Directorate of National Education, Preschool and Sports in Youssoufia, Bouchra Aslim, stressed that this structure, which benefits from the permanent support of the INDH, aims to achieve objective 2 of project 10 relating to school life, within the framework of the implementation of Framework Law 51-17 relating to the education and training system and scientific research.

This socio-educational structure aims to allow students to showcase their talents through several workshops offered, she added, indicating that the INDH is working to provide the necessary equipment so that the center can carry out its missions in better conditions.

Since its launch in 2005 by His Majesty King Mohammed VI, the INDH has benefited millions of Moroccans, allowing them to better take advantage of their potential. This Kingdom project has evolved since its launch to contribute to the socio-economic progress of the Kingdom.

Phase III of the INDH, launched in September 2018, came to capitalize on its achievements and refocus its programs, particularly on the development of human capital and the promotion of the condition of rising generations.

This phase is divided into 4 programs, namely: “catching up on deficits in infrastructure and basic social services”, “supporting people in precarious situations”, “improving the income and economic inclusion of young people” and “boosting the human capital of rising generations”.

2024-09-03 10:25:30

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