Youth Robbery Statistics in Stockholm Municipalities and Crime Prevention Methods – 2021 Report

by time news

When the Crime Prevention Council, Brå, in 2021 compiled its comprehensive report on youth robbery in the period 2015–2019, it emerged that several of Stockholm’s municipalities topped the list. In terms of youth robbery per 100,000 inhabitants, Solna and Haninge were at the top with 745. In fourth place was the city of Stockholm, with 679 per 100,000.

However, statistics from all of the Stockholm police’s local police areas show that the type of crime has decreased sharply in recent years. Since the peak in 2019, fewer and fewer robberies with victims aged 17 or younger have been registered.

– We had high levels in 2019, after which this type of crime dropped sharply to roughly the level we see today. It varies a little between years, but there are fewer overall, says Martin Hultberg-Tarantino, municipal police in the Norrmalm local police area.

Up to and including the beginning of December 2023, Norrmalm’s local police area had registered 30 cases where a person aged 17 or younger was subjected to robbery. Compared to 99 for 2019.

However, what the decline is based on is more difficult to decipher.

– A classic crime prevention idea is that you don’t have the same informal control in an area that you don’t live in, which can affect a local police area like ours where many who move in the area travel in from other parts of Stockholm. One reason could also be that this type of crime received a lot of attention earlier, it tends to have a diminishing effect, says Hultberg-Tarantino.

Tony Beijbom and Jenny Ahlgård. Photo: Roger Turesson

In the Haninge-Nynäshamn local police area, as they also saw a peak in 2019, they have worked with direct investments to prevent identity theft among young people. The first step was to find out how big the problem was.

– When it was at its worst, it was really bad. We were faced with a brutal crime wave, says Jenny Algård, crime coordinator at the police in Haninge-Nynäshamn.

Following regional directives to draw up an action plan, work began on searching for success factors in the investigations. Early investigation measures were quickly identified in combination with good knowledge of current perpetrators and their characteristics.

– It was also important that there was a civilian resource that could act quickly in the search for goods, that suspects were arrested and that preliminary investigation leaders made early decisions about arrests and seizures, says Jenny Algård.

Jenny Algård, crime coordinator at the police in Haninge-Nynäshamn. Photo: Roger Turesson

Afterwards both were trained municipal and police personnel in how to prevent and should act in the event of identity theft. An investment that has paid off over time. Four years ago, 86 reports were registered in the Haninge-Nynäshamn local police area. Just before the turn of the year, the number was 23.

At the same time, identity theft is seen as a trend-sensitive type of crime, especially among younger people.

– We saw a certain increase in 2022. Then we also saw that it became more common to rob someone on their electric scooter, as they became more common and more sought after in society, explains Tony Beijbom, local police area manager in Haninge-Nynäshamn, and continues:

– We also know that December and Christmas time, for example, are a month where there tends to be more crimes of this type. Weather and seasons also have an effect, when people tend to buy new clothes and jackets.

Since 2019, several have people could also be identified as drivers when it comes to the type of crime. Several of those who previously committed personal robbery have subsequently gone on to commit more serious crimes.

– What we saw was that there were driving individuals and constellations that could commit many crimes in a short time. Many of those who were previously relevant in investigations into identity theft are also relevant now, but in connection with more serious crime, says Jenny Algård.

– Many tone-setting actors in the Jordbro network have been deprived of their liberty during 2023. In addition to that, we have also received social initiatives in collaboration with the municipality, which led to a large number of LVU placements during the year. We cannot know with certainty whether it had a preventive effect, but my view is that it has been important, says Tony Beijbom.

Tony Beijbom, local police area manager in Haninge-Nynäshamn. Photo: Roger Turesson

Since a number of years back, the police in Haninge and Nynäshamn work in close cooperation with the municipalities and in Haninge municipality they have introduced the crime prevention method EST, effective coordination for increased security, and the analysis tool “embrace”. Everything to further structure the crime prevention work.

– It is a way for us to gather the situational picture and direct the work. We need to direct the searchlight, i.e. the collective power of society, towards what can best influence and produce the most effect. The picture we have now is one where more serious crime creeps further down the ages. We need to mobilize the power of society in a way that lasts over time, says Tony Beijbom and adds:

– A large part of our work needs to be focused on preventing the shooting that will otherwise take place in ten years.

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