YouTube Includes New Features for Creators and Users

by time news

Google recently announced a series of new features for YouTubedesigned for both creators and their fans. In a blog postthe Mountain View company has shown the list of new features that were revealed as part of the event Made on YouTube. Perhaps the most interesting news is Communities. This will add more ways for creators and their fans to connect with each other beyond the traditional comments section.

In a separate post, Google provided more information about YouTube’s Community feature. First, it recalls that conversations and comments can be started and shared by fanswith the creator controlling who can participate. Only members can post in the Communities. Then there is a dedicated space for conversations and connections. This allows creators to maintain control over their content and brand, while promoting meaningful community engagement. Additionally, the conversations transcend individual videos and posts, allowing topics to flow organically and continue over time. Finally, on YouTube the fans drive spacecreating a sense of belonging where like-minded individuals can connect. Google is currently testing YouTube Communities with a small number of creators on mobile devices. The service is expected to expand to other channels over the course of the 2025.

YouTube: other new features coming in the coming months

During the dedicated event, the Mountain View company revealed other new and upcoming features for YouTube creators and fans. The first is called Hype. This is a new way for fans to get a video noticed by others, beyond the usual “like” button.I like“. After liking a video, users can click on the option “Hype This Video” to insert it into a dedicated ranking that will show the Hypes with other videos. Improvements have also been introduced for Dream Screen per YouTube Shorts. As of today, creators can create a custom background for YouTube Shorts through Dream Screen. Soon, they will be able to not only create a more realistic backgroundbut also to create video clips for Shorts in Dream Screen. This is due to the addition of I seethe AI ​​video generator from Google’s DeepMind division.

Infine, i channels can be organized in seasons and episodes. With so much YouTube content being watched on big-screen TVs, creators will soon be able to organize their videos into seasons and episodes. This will make them easier to watch on those larger screens. As we mentioned, all of this will be rolling out over the next few months.

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