YouTuber Scherfstein explains to Al-Shorouk the new Nobel achievement in the field of quantum entanglement: Prove Einstein wrong

by time news
On October 4, France, Alain Aspect, American John Clauser, and Austrian Anton Zeilinger won the Nobel Prize in Physics, for their efforts in the field of quantum physics.

Many pioneers of social networking sites wondered what the theory of quantum entanglement was, which was the summary of the work of the three scientists over the years.

Some have designed “Comics” on this theory to simplify it for everyone’s minds. It was said: “Quantum entanglement means two electrons are linked together without separation. When there is an electron on the planet, it says (blacks have its eyes), the electron in space will say (Oh and no) at the same moment.”

This analogy may seem ironic, but in fact it is the basis of the theory of quantum entanglement, as it symbolizes the coupling of two electrons whose state changes at the same moment. Bio, BA in Chemical Engineering, to explain this great physical achievement.

Sharaf began his talk with Al-Shorouk by explaining the theory of quantum entanglement, saying: “In the laws of quantum entanglement, that is, two bodies in a state of entanglement behave opposite to each other. The other is counterclockwise, and this is an inevitable thing, and the strange thing is what has puzzled scientists in the first place, is that the state of the two electrons changes instantaneously, for example, if the color of the electron is white and the other is black, and the color of one of them changes, then it is inevitable that the other will change at the same moment.

Sharaf explained that the absence of a time difference for the change of electrons or objects caused a problem in the scientific community because it threatened the theory of relativity and contradicted the ideas of the scientist Einstein, who confirmed the impossibility of transferring data from one object to another faster than the speed of light, because if that happened, the data would move to the past, and this Something totally illogical.

Sharaf explained that Einstein approved the principle of causation, which is that every action has an effect. That the two electrons change instantaneously without reason, agreement or data, and without also the condition of being in the same place. The scientific field was divided into a category that supports Einstein’s ideas, and another that supports quantum physicists. Do the two electrons change instantaneously, or does one change after the other?

A scientist named John Stuart Bell tried to solve this physical problem through mathematics. He created a theorem or inequality called “Bell’s inequality” to measure the probability of the theory of the hidden variable, which was accompanied by Einstein after claiming that there is hidden data inside the electron that makes its counterpart change, and Bell came up with a value He explained to scientists that by calculating the inequality, if the result is greater than this value, Einstein will be correct, and there is a principle of causation and hidden data in electrons, which results in the change of electrons, but if the product of the inequality is less than this value, physicists are correct, and the change between electrons Interlocking happens instantaneously without any reason.

The scientist John Stuart Bell developed the theoretical disparity, but did not test it, so here came the role of the French scientist Alain Aspect and the American John Clauser, who received the Nobel Prize in Physics. They brought together parts of the light called (photons), and they caused a quantum entanglement between them. The big world, meaning that the transition happens instantaneously.

The two worlds, Aspect and Clauser, won for quantum physicists, and Einstein’s thought was rejected, and Sharaf pointed out that this is a great achievement because the speed of the instantaneous transfer between an electron or an object and another will cause a technological revolution, as it is an abnormal speed of data transmission, and Sharaf explained that if we want to send a message from a person from Planet Earth to another at the Sun, it will take 8 minutes to send the message, but if we send it at the outskirts of the galaxy, the message will take 100 million years to reach, but we have a means of communication that transmits any message to anywhere in the universe in an instant.

Despite this great achievement by the scientists Aspect and Clauser, a new problem has arisen for the scientists, which is “What is the means by which we will transfer information between the two entangled electrons? How do I transmit this information in real time?” Especially since the transmission is based on probabilities, the message that I want to convey may be sent backwards, because I do not know how the electrons will receive the message.

Here came the role of the third scientist who won the Nobel Prize for Physics, Austrian Anton Zeilinger, who came up with a solution to this dilemma. Sharaf says: “The idea of ​​transferring data from one place to another in real time was part of science fiction films, when we were watching Star Trek films and we saw people being transferred instantaneously to Another place, but Anton was able to turn fantasy into reality.”

He added: “Anton brought parts of light called a photon, two photons that have quantum entanglement, in addition to a third photon, and he was able to transfer the properties of the third photon to the entangled photons, meaning, if we have a first photon of red color and a second photon of blue color, then according to the quantum entanglement theory, If the color of the first photon changes and becomes blue, then the second photon will become instantaneously reversed, so how do we transfer the data to them? It went out into the entangled electrons, replaced the existing electron and captured it with its data and became part of that entanglement.”

Regarding the eligibility of the three scientists to win the Nobel Prize in Physics, Sharaf confirmed that the award was given to them to prove the instantaneous transfer of data without prior agreements between an electron and another, and to develop this achievement for the actual transfer of data from one place to another. These three researchers.

And about the impact of this great achievement on human life, Sharaf explained that it is a technological revolution because it will be used in quantum computers, and he likened the technology of these modern computers to our current computers, that the current computers will become like a calculator for the advanced technologies that these computers will witness, stressing that their speed will not compare From anything we knew before, because it will use a speed greater than the speed of light, it is definitely a scientific revolution inevitably.

The use of the new achievement will not be limited to computers only, but communications will also benefit from this achievement, in addition to improving the ability of satellites to work, and of course space research will not be without the use of this impressive theory, as it will help discover more and more of this world.

Sharaf says: “We thought that we were living in an electronic revolution today because of the fiber-optic cables, and we did not know that these scientists would discover a way to transfer data in real time, meaning that you will transfer your information to others at the same moment, and you will download anything as soon as you click on it, the data will be transmitted from any Another place in time, and this is the future, quantum physics is shocking because it contains many, many, which we imagine and which are beyond our imaginations.

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