Yvelines: in two years, the accountant of the auto parts company embezzles 95,000 euros to make ends meet

by time news

It’s a funny way to make ends meet. A 40-year-old woman was taken into police custody a few days ago for having embezzled more than 95,000 euros from her business in Buchelay (Yvelines), in her capacity as an accountant, we learned on Friday. The company in which she worked, specializing in auto parts, had filed a complaint against her in February 2019, suspecting significant losses of money for two years.

Investigators from the Mantes-la-Jolie police station are then interested in the movements on the personal bank account of the employee, originally from Cucq, near Le Touquet (Pas-de-Calais). It appears that the accountant had replaced the bank identity statements (RIB) of certain customers and suppliers with her own RIB, thus pocketing the money from the transactions.

A process that she would have repeated fifty times, for damage estimated at around 76,000 euros. To this tidy sum are added a little more than 19,000 euros in checks that she cashed, supplying her personal bank account with more than 95,000 euros in total.

Fake emails sent to a fake banker

In order not to arouse the suspicions of her hierarchy, the accountant falsified the company’s bank statements, which therefore presented balances far removed from reality. And pushed the vice so far as to create the profile of a fake banker with whom she corresponded… and kept the written records of the exchanges, by email.

Summoned as part of an open procedure for fraud, breach of trust, forgery and use of forgery, the forty-year-old was heard in police custody and, faced with the display of elements against her, admitted the facts. She was then released and will be summoned by the courts for an appearance on prior admission of guilt.

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