Yves Kouro CHABI and Charles CODJIA work to make the literate environment a reality

by time news

2023-09-08 15:38:19

Views: 17

Benin, like other countries in the world, celebrated International Literacy Day on Friday September 8, 2023. To mark this event, of international scope, with a special seal, Minister Yves Kouaro CHABI delivered a message to the Beninese nation. Message during which he, once again, expressed the desire of Patrice Talon’s government, through the PAG in its axis 5, to boost habits for a true institutionalization of the literate environment as a guarantee of the development of literacy and the promotion of national languages.

Charles CODJIA

It was through a television message that Minister Yves Kouaro CHABI kept the Beninese population in suspense about the 58th edition of the JIA. Opportunity for the latter to lift a corner of the veil on the results and prospects of literacy in Benin.

Placed under the theme: “Promoting literacy for a world in transition: building the foundations of sustainable and peaceful societies”, this day, beyond its inherent importance as an element of the right to education, allows the individual to emancipate themselves and improve their living and working conditions, according to the minister. This is why the government’s action program in axis 5 invites all stakeholders in the literacy sector to tirelessly continue restructuring the education system by improving the quality of training and promoting literacy. and adult education by increasing employment opportunities through better provision which aims to reduce poverty. According to Minister Yves Kouaro CHABI, the future prospects of literacy augur a better tomorrow. In his speech, he suggested that: “The current development ambitions and educational reforms of our country require better organization and the linking of the literacy sub-sector to the formal education system in order to give it all the prerogatives contributing to rebuild the foundations of sustainable and peaceful societies.”

Minister Yves Kouaro Chabi

Speech by His Excellency Mr. Kouaro Yves Chabi,

Minister of Secondary, Technical Education and Vocational Training of the Republic of Benin

Ladies and gentlemen,

Literacy is an excellent tool of openness that gives individuals the opportunity to have relevant knowledge, skills and competencies, in order to shape global societies in a sustainable and peaceful way. It permanently pushes back the frontiers of ignorance and poverty, and contributes to the reduction of social, economic and even political inequalities, thus protecting populations from numerous conflicts.

Ladies and gentlemen,

International Literacy Day 2023 (ILD 2023) whose theme is: “Promoting literacy for a world in transition: building the foundations of sustainable and peaceful societies” indeed responds to the vision of the world, including that of the Benign. It fits very well with the objectives of the SDGs and the future vision of partner countries which dream of a future world that is peaceful, just, inclusive and free not only of the problems linked to the ambient poverty currently observed but also to all forms of inequality. By acting on these vital variables, literacy will help social development, environmental protection and economic prosperity with a view to lasting peace in the world.

Ladies and gentlemen,

My country, Benin, is currently implementing two flagship literacy programs, which have produced very encouraging results which compel us to continue the process. This is in fact the literacy campaign based on the make-do strategy which gives the opportunity to those who have never attended traditional school to have the necessary tools to know how to read and write. in their national languages ​​and by the bridging method, the French language. The second program is the literacy campaign for the benefit of two specific targets: practitioners of traditional medicine and fishermen. This campaign, which is in its experimental phase, is part of the same dynamic as the first and aims to give these specific targets modern technical and professional notions in their respective fields.

Beyond these two activities, my ministerial department annually supports the implementation of RAMAED (Action Research on the Measurement of Learning of Beneficiaries of Literacy Programs and Educational Alternatives) activities. In agreement with UNESCO experts, the RAMAED team in Benin translates the items in social knowledge, literacy and numeracy into three post-literacy languages: fɔn, Yoruba and baatɔnum.

My ministerial department also supports PAGEDA (Support Program for Decentralized Literacy Management). This program, funded by Swiss Cooperation, strengthens the capacities of different social groups, with the aim of making members autonomous in all respects.

Ladies and gentlemen,

If literacy succeeds, in a concrete way, in making individuals autonomous and improving their self-esteem, their creativity, their personal and community development and their critical thinking, I think for my part that it is important to include in the various development projects that impact our populations the literacy component.

If literacy allows our populations to acquire social knowledge, literacy and numeracy skills, to adopt favorable attitudes and values ​​to make our societies and our respective economies prosper, I believe that we must make every effort to guarantee them adequate training related to literacy.

Ladies and gentlemen,

The challenges facing JIA 2023 must be concrete actions at the levels of education and teaching systems, guides and programs and adapted practices which are and will be carried out in dedicated centers. The conclusions of this day must be focused on the contents of learning programs, on the acquisition of other knowledge, skills, attitudes, values ​​and skills linked to literacy. This Day should also address the possibilities for partnerships based on a global government approach, without forgetting current contexts.

Ladies and gentlemen,

I would like to express my gratitude to the UNESCO team and to all the actors who work on a daily basis to achieve the SDGs both at the national and international level.

I wish us a happy commemoration of JIA 2023.

Thank you.

#Yves #Kouro #CHABI #Charles #CODJIA #work #literate #environment #reality

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