Zakharova reported on the role of Russia in the joint statement of the nuclear “five”

by time news

A joint statement by the leaders of the nuclear “five” countries – Russia, China, Great Britain, France and the United States – was prepared at the initiative of the Russian side. This is stated in the statement of the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova.

“This document was prepared on our initiative and with the most active participation of Russian representatives. Its promulgation was supposed to be carried out in conjunction with the beginning of the X Conference on the Review of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, ”Zakharova said. However, the conference was postponed due to the worsening epidemiological situation in the United States. “Nevertheless, given the importance and self-sufficiency of this joint statement, the nuclear powers decided not to postpone its publication,” said the official spokesman for the Russian Foreign Ministry.

Earlier, the Kremlin’s website published a joint statement by the leaders of the nuclear “five” countries, which spoke about preventing the development of an arms race and preventing the possibility of a nuclear war. In a statement, the leaders of the nuclear countries confirmed their readiness to fulfill their obligations under the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. “We intend to continue to seek bilateral and multilateral diplomatic approaches in order to avoid military confrontation, enhance stability and predictability, increase the level of mutual understanding and trust, and prevent an arms race that will benefit no one and become a threat to all,” the statement said. …

The Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons entered into force in March 1970. Almost all independent states of the world are parties to the treaty, with the exception of Israel, India, Pakistan, North Korea and South Sudan. Under the treaty, each of its nuclear-weapon States parties undertakes not to transfer these weapons or other nuclear explosive devices to anyone, or control over them, either directly or indirectly. Likewise, not in any way help, encourage or induce any non-nuclear-weapon State to manufacture or in any other way acquire or control nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices.


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