Zarqa: “Omicron was discovered in the sewer.” Horowitz: “A parent who does not store his children

by time news

Speech by Health Minister Horowitz in the Knesset

(Photo: Knesset Channel )

Health Minister Nitzan Horowitz warned this morning (Monday) of the spread The omicron strain In Israel. “This variant is gaining incredible momentum and within a few days reaches a huge spread that we have not seen in previous variants,” Horowitz said in a joint discussion of the Knesset’s Health and Constitution Committees on the state’s preparations to stop the outbreak of the contagious strain. Ynet broadcast the discussion live.

Speaking later, Minister Horowitz said that the increase in the number of people infected with corona was already being felt, and emphasized once again that the best way to deal with the epidemic was to go and get vaccinated. “We see an insufficient increase in vaccines. I am asked ‘Is the public to blame?’

“Ultimately, the responsibility to vaccinate children is first and foremost on the parents. If a parent chooses not to vaccinate his children – the responsibility on him. If you want to protect your child from illness – you have to protect yourself. If you do not want serious illness, if you “You do not want Long Cubid – you have to get vaccinated. The state can not replace a parent’s responsibility towards his children.”

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Discussion in the Constitution CommitteeDiscussion in the Constitution Committee

“We see an insufficient increase in vaccines.” Minister Horowitz on the committee

(Photo: Knesset Spokeswoman Noam Moskowitz)

The head of the public health services at the Ministry of Health, Dr. Sharon Elrai-Price, also addressed the issue of vaccines, with an emphasis on childhood vaccines. Is lower. We know this about all the variants that have been up until now, there is no reason that precisely in the omicron it will be reversed.

“From data we see all over the world, the antibodies of recoverers are not good enough to protect against this variant and it is very worthwhile to get vaccinated. Vaccines have no long-term side effects after years, it does not exist. “We were vaccinated in the United States and out of 100,000 children in Israel who did not report significant side effects.”

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Discussion in the Constitution CommitteeDiscussion in the Constitution Committee

“The vaccinated are less likely to get infected.” Dr. Elrai-Price

(Photo: Knesset Spokeswoman Noam Moskowitz)

Referring to the question of the possible effect of infection with the omicron strain on a serious illness, Dr. Elrai-Price said: “Even if there is no serious illness at all, it may bring people to hospitalization and in such a situation the burden on hospitals and isolations will cause functional continuity. What is confusing about Omicron is the gap in the very massive infection. “

Corona projector Prof. Salman Zarka noted that later in the day, representatives of the Ministry of Health will hold discussions regarding the restriction of gatherings and at another time also with Prime Minister Naftali Bennett. “We understand that there is an infectious virus here, even in sewage systems an omicron is already being detected, so the next steps need to be examined.” According to the data, in samples taken a week ago, Omicron was discovered in sewers in Harish, Ayalon-Nesher, Ashdod and Netanya.

Prof. Zarqa added: “We are seeing an increase in morbidity among children, in the intensive care unit the system is already at its peak capacity. “We are the first in the world to give a third dose. Regarding populations at risk, we are holding discussions regarding a fourth vaccine and we will see if we can reach an understanding.”

At the same time, government ministers this morning approved the expansion of the list of red states to which access will be banned from midnight, subject to the approval of the Knesset’s Constitution Committee. In the new list: USA, Italy, Belgium, Hungary, Morocco, Portugal, Canada, Switzerland and Turkey. Transport Minister Merav Michaeli and Diaspora Minister Nachman Shai objected.

The Association for Civil Rights addressed the Minister of Health Horowitz and the Chairman of the Constitution Committee, MK Gilad Karib, regarding the continuation and extension of the ban on going to red countries. The association claims in the appeal that the right of citizens to leave Israel is a constitutional right and that the violation of it should be proportionate.

“While the new strain has already spread around the world and in Israel, the link between restricting the expansion to a growing number of countries and preventing the spread of the Omicron strain in Israel has greatly weakened, and in any case there are alternative measures to minimize risk, including increased demand for testing and preventive isolation.” Delivered from the association.

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Ben Gurion Airport is empty of passengers, this morning

(Photo: Roi Rubinstein )

Bennett: “Where possible – it’s time to move to work from home”

(Photo: GPO )

Data from the Ministry of Health show that 1,004 people were diagnosed yesterday as positive for Corona, the most in two months. 206 of those diagnosed yesterday, ie about 20%, came from abroad. This is a record number in recent days. 43 came from the United States, 29 from France, 20 from the United Arab Emirates, 19 from the UK, nine from Italy and eight from Hungary. Also, according to the daily report Of the Ministry of Health were diagnosed verified who came from South Africa, India, Canada, Jordan – and even from Saudi Arabia.

The number of red localities is currently two – Bracha and Selma – but quite a few localities have turned yellow, including Jerusalem, Tel Aviv and Rishon Lezion. As of this morning, there are 7,230 active Corona patients in Israel, most of them in a mild condition. 1,451 of them live in Jerusalem, 321 in Tel Aviv-Yafo, 226 in Rishon Lezion, 193 in Petah Tikva, 183 in Be’er Sheva, 153 in Beit Shemesh, 148 in Haifa, 119 in Bnei Brak, 103 in Holon, 96 in Ma’ale Adumim, 86 in Ramat Gan, 86 in Rehovot, 76 in Beitar Illit , 76 in Ashdod, 73 in Netanya and 72 in Elad.

Last night, Prime Minister Naftali Bennett sought to increase the Israeli public’s readiness for the fifth Corona wave. At a press conference in the background of the expected spread of the disease, Bennett warned: “The time we bought is running out. The omicron is already in the country – from the Knesset to kindergartens – and it is spreading fast. Panic.I recognize a certain fatigue in the public.It is understandable and natural.It is precisely from this that we need to act calmly and do the right thing.

“In my estimation, in 4-3 weeks, maybe before, we will see a spike in morbidity that will leave no room for doubt. The goal is to overcome this wave while continuing the activities of the economy, economy and education as much as we can. The children of Israel as soon as possible. ” The prime minister even called on employers in the private sector to look into the possibility of returning to work from home.

Bennett added: “Contrary to tradition, Israel is not the first in the world to vaccinate children. In the United States, five million children have been vaccinated and have no significant side effects. One can learn from their experience. The vaccine is safe and is the responsibility of the parents. A protected parent who has been vaccinated must also protect his children. Do not leave your children exposed and vulnerable to the omicron that will arrive. Do not wait for a mobile. Just get to the HMO, tomorrow. Every hour you wait is an unnecessary hour, because in the case of a first shot it will take children about 5-4 weeks to be protected. “If you wait until the wave hits, it will be too late.”


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