Zdorov trial: Dr. Kugel began to testify and attacked the prosecution

by time news

The head of the Institute of Forensic Medicine, Dr. Chen Kugel, began today (Wednesday) to testify on behalf of the defense in the retrial of Roman Zadorov, who is accused of murdering Tair Rada. The decision of Hanan Meltzer, a Supreme Court judge, For the time being that blood may leak from the body after death.The opinion referred to a shoe heel that was discovered on the toilet lid in the cell where the murder was committed – a heel that did not belong to Zadorov and on which Rada’s blood dripped.

Dr. Kugel’s testimony began with drama after the plaintiff reminded him that he claimed the body was washed without being examined, saying “the prosecution worked on the court.” Kugel: “Should I now write in all my opinions ‘on behalf of the Kochavit Institute’ with the fact that the prosecution claims that I am misleading and a liar? Now I do not feel comfortable giving an opinion to the State Attorney’s Office. “

Dr. Kugel then said, “The court did me no favors.” The opinion I give you? ” In addition, Dr. Kugel referred to his claim that the State Attorney’s Office had previously asked him to change his affidavit. Adv. Har Zion: “Did I ask you for such a thing?”

Judge Cola said: “At the end of what will happen here is that what will be remembered is that the opinion of the Institute of Forensic Medicine cannot be trusted. Adv. Halevi:” The state will be sold for Zadorov’s conviction. ” Dr. Kugel to the plaintiffs: “You did not digest that the institute no longer works for you (the State Attorney’s Office).” Adv. Har Zion: “I am interrogating you like any other defense witness.” Dr. Chen Kugel answers the lawyer who claimed that he was “waging the war of his life” against the former director of the Institute of Forensic Medicine, Prof. Yehuda Hess: “You are saying serious and false things here. In order to win at this point in the trial, you are burning the club. “

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While Adv. Har Zion continues to bring cases in which the court criticized Dr. Kugel, he remarked to her: “How do you trust the opinion I give today? You really did not want me to be the director of the institute.” Adv. Har Zion replied: “When you are a defense witness, there are no boundaries.” Kugel: “I am not happy to stand here and soak up the slime. It is important to me that the truth comes out. “Adv. Har Zion replied:” You are a knight of the quality of government, you have a full stomach, so why are you getting into this? Dr. Kugel: “Because we will not do justice here.” Adv. Har Zion: “Only you are right.”

Dr. Chen Kugel (Photo: Liav Peled, Spokeswoman for the Bar Association)

Dr. Kugel attacked the prosecution: “The prosecution tried to change my affidavit in court. I talked to the state attorney about it. I tried to do everything to make the truth come out. Nothing moved even though everyone at the institute knew it was a serrated knife and Zaitsev’s opinion was incorrect and no one did anything about it. If I speak within the system, no one will name me. “

After the trial came to a halt, Ilana Rada, the mother of the late Tair Rada, said that “we are only interested in the truth, she is talking about a pathological institute, which took body parts and brought me after ten years the parts of Tair to bury them. we’re on the right track. “It is clear that the State Attorney’s Office will lie all these years.”

The new opinion presented by the defense indicates that there is no possibility of blood leaking from the body about five hours after the murder – the time that has elapsed from the date of the murder to the date of the discovery of the body. The possible implication of this determination is that the trace was imprinted at or near the time of the murder. This discovery is inconsistent with the prosecution’s version that the footprint on the toilet lid was stamped by an “anonymous extractor” who arrived at the scene after the body was discovered, about five hours after the murder.

The prosecution, for its part, presented an opinion stating that the deceased’s blood could have dripped on the heel of the shoe even after the body was found and moved from its place. Kugel, a key defense attorney who also testified on her behalf in the first trial, then as a private institute expert, has since added additional elements to his initial testimony, including his opinion that blood cannot drip from a body a few hours after murder unless the body is significantly moved. The body was moved in this way only when it was evacuated from the murder scene.

Also, Kugel now claims that the murder was committed with a serrated knife – a detail that in the first trial he said he could not determine. At the beginning of the retrial, the prosecution objected that Kugel would testify on behalf of the defense because he was in a conflict of interest, she claimed. Finally she withdrew from the resistance.

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