Zelensky’s speech to the EU and Metsola’s push to “supply long-range jets and missiles” – time.news

by time news

The Ukrainian president spoke today to the European Parliament and Council: “If Ukraine falls, your way of life, the European way of life, will disappear. And we can’t afford that to happen.”

BRUSSELS — ‘Slava Ukraïni’. The president is moved Volodymyr Zelensky when she takes the floor in the European Parliament, for what the hostess Roberta Metsola defines “an historic occasion”, «an extraordinary moment, in extraordinary times». In the front row is the president of the EU Commission, Ursula von der Leyenwith the deputy next to him Frans Timmermans.

There was anticipation for Zelensky’s arrival, in the auditorium and along the packed corridors. At the airport A round of applause greeted his entrance, the MEPs standing. The visit to Brussels follows those of London and Parisand last week’s EU-Ukraine summit in Kiev.

The Ukrainian president chose to focus his speech on “European values” and which Russia is threatening with its aggression: «The Ukrainian way of life, the European way of life, is under threat»he said.

President Metsola recalled that “Ukraine is Europe”, that “Kiev’s future is in the EU”: “We know the sacrifice that your people have endured for Europe – she said – and we must honor it not only words but also with deeds. According to Metsola, “States must quickly consider, as a next step, provide long-range systems and the jets needed to protect freedom that too many have taken for granted. President Zelensky, addressing the EU Parliament, said that «when Ukraine falls, the way of life of the 27 EU states will fall. Your lifestyle will disappear. We must not allow that to happen».

And in the European way of life “the individual and the law prevail, where states and societies try to help each other and to understand their diversity of values, where borders are not violated, where people have faith in the future”.

He then thanked the Europeans for their significant military, financial and humanitarian support since the outbreak of war: ‘We don’t want to waste time, we don’t want to give up. We do not want to lose Europe’s achievements. We want Europe to stay that way and this will only be possible if you and we remain united”.

After the EU Parliament, Zelensky went to the European Council where he addressed the leaders of the 27 member states: «I have to thank you personally for your support of our country and our aspirations to live in a free and united Europe» but also «I am grateful for your supply of tanks, long range weapons, fighter planes». And he urged them to speed up arms deliveries to “go faster” than Russia. “We need artillery, munitions, modern tanks, long-range missiles, modern fighter planes,” he said: “Thank you for giving us the military support you are giving us, thank you for doing more. We have to go faster than our attacker. Our aggressor is mobilizing more».

“If we succeed in defending security in Europe and guaranteeing it in the long term – he added -, I can guarantee you that your names will enter the history of Europe together with those of Robert Schuman and Jean Monnet”.

However, the president lashed out at EU countries on the sanctions. «Russia has created the threat of a radioactive catastrophe in Europe and Russian nuclear energy is not yet included in the global sanctions. Do you think that’s right?’

February 9, 2023 (change February 9, 2023 | 3:05 pm)

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