Zelig Aharonovich: “My son will be a star”

by time news

Zelig Ahronovitz (58) is a respected media and sportsman for over three decades, manager and senior editor, life mentor and presenter of the sports edition “Playmaker – Ahronovitz makes a play” on Facebook Live and YouTube, under the digital platform of Radio Haifa.

It seems that Selig returned to the front of the stage after recovering from the cancer he suffered about five years ago, but this time with a different hat, as a mental coach, to influence and do good to others and the world. He continues his personal development which he started about 3 years ago and marks another V on a goal he set for himself about two years ago, to produce the podcast “My son will be a star”.

“The idea behind ‘My son will be a star’ is that in each episode it will be possible to dive into the crises and successes experienced by parents with their children, so that every week the listeners get a rare glimpse into the mental world of children who broke through to their achievements, to become winners, and along the way, develop an identity for themselves of the complete person,” says Zelig Ahronovitz, a mental coach in the northern region who works with athletes, managers, employees, freelancers and more.

It should be noted that, the number of listens gains momentum from episode to episode and already in the first episodes you can hear how much the interviewees in the podcast cooperate, and are excited to tell how it mentally affects the whole family, which sometimes collapses in the face of reality.

It is worth noting that, among the first interviewees, you can find the international mental coach, Eitan Azaria, who gives practical tools to parents, so that they can make sure that they have not deprived their children of anything, so that they realize their full potential. In the fascinating episode, a very fundamental question arose: “Whose dream is this – the child’s or the parent’s?” And Ethan, in his unique way and in light of the vast experience he has in mental training, as the owner of the mental training school, as an author, lecturer and creator of the podcast “The Biology of Winners”, explains in this chapter how the parent can help the child, both to enjoy life and to conduct himself with great self-confidence, in order to succeed in the game of life. In addition, Azaria explains how it is possible to instill in children the values ​​of excellence in various areas of life, including a rare glimpse into his personal life with his wife Liv and the charming daughters, who already at such an early age absorb all the insights from home.

So what are the chapters talking about? What parents should avoid so that their children are happy, healthy, assertive, with a strong and stable character, and how not to be dragged under social pressure. And above all, they will always return home with a smile on their face. And also, how do you develop mental resilience in children, how do you raise self-confidence, how do you define goals and objectives that you want to achieve.

Among the other interviewees so far in the podcast, of which five episodes have been released to the world: Keren Levy, personal trainer and mother of Maccabi Haifa’s senior soccer player, Maor Levy. Batia Sa’ar, the mother of Maccabi Haifa senior football player, Ben Shahar. Kobi Fedida, the father of Hapoel Hadera senior soccer player Saar Fedida and his twin brother Rotem who plays in the college league in the US, and a personal episode of Zelig Ahronovitz, who said this week: “As a mental coach for soccer players, I believe that every child deserves the best support on the way to his success. In the chapters that have already appeared, the parents received tools on how to allow themselves and their children to remove their defenses, fears and sense of helplessness. Not only in football but also in other areas of life. And, tips on the best way to learn from parents who have done it, parents who know a thing or years and are willing to share their insights with the listeners over the years. Right now we are on the verge of episode #6 and surprises are expected with the next interviewees that will automatically go on the air, there is something to look forward to.”

As mentioned, currently the episodes are available for listening on Spotify, but soon all the episodes will also be available for listening on YouTube and Apple Podcast.

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