Zen, a carpentry and upholstery shop in the abandoned premises of the “Sciascia” school

by time news

twelve o’clock, March 29 2021 – 09:25

the Trame project, which aims to create opportunities for social enterprise by connecting it with the redevelopment of areas: 13 inhabitants of the neighborhood are learning new creative and working techniques

of Alessia Rotolo

Experiment with alternative uses and sharing of school spaces, with particular attention to external ones such as courtyards and gardens, to transform them into new places of learning, for a social and cultural growth of the neighborhood. The project “Trame – space in the neighborhood” started from this premise, currently under construction at the Leonardo Sciascia school at Zen in Palermo.

But we went well beyond the outdoor spaces and after years of neglect some classrooms of the school were recovered transformed into workshops, one for carpentry and one for upholstery. A courtyard and a garden were also recovered, which were not used by the school due to the absence of some steps, which were created thanks to the project, making the spaces accessible. These spaces will be used for recreational and sporting activities for the students but also for the inhabitants of the Zen district, the courtyard will also become a workplace, where to finish the workshop artifacts, but also a market, when possible.

In fact, this transformation foresees the opening of the school to the territory and to the community of inhabitants even during extra-curricular hours. In the workshops, which involve the inhabitants, materials and techniques related to carpentry and upholstery are known. Furnishing elements are being designed and created for the socialization spaces of the school.

All this has been achieved thanks to the call for Culture Future Urban – School activates culture, and has as partners the Handala, Send, Liscabianca associations, the Department of Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences of the University of Palermo, the Municipality of Palermo, Department of Solidarity Citizenship and the Conca d’oro shopping center. funded by MIBACT Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities Directorate General for Contemporary Art and Architecture and Urban Suburbs.

Currently there are thirteen inhabitants of the neighborhood who will learn new creative and working techniques, they will deal with designing fixed furnishings and furniture to be used outside the structure or in other Zen spaces.

This is a social architecture project that already contains in its denomination the sense of what the Sciascia institute, with the collaboration of some partner associations in the area, has envisaged and is implementing. – says the dean of the Stefania Cocuzza Institute – “Trame” substantiates the relationships of participatory planning with the various professionals present in the area to offer our adult users an opportunity for social enterprise through creative and working techniques for the production of furniture elements and tailoring products; “Space in the neighborhood” means to represent the four rooms of our institute left in a state of neglect for several years and just redeveloped which since last February 15 have been open to welcome a group of inhabitants of the neighborhood in the carpentry and upholstery workshops and that until the month of May will remain active for the creation of installations for an outdoor area of ​​the school and products that will be part of a final event at the Conca D’Oro shopping center. An integral part of the project is the professional orientation training course to support participants in starting a business, in the perspective that these spaces of the Sciascia institute remain a space of constructive relationship between school, families and associations in the neighborhood.

“Plots” such as those of the actions that are woven every day, of encounters, transformations and creations, in short, of the relationships that are intertwined with places for a process of co-evolution: as in a natural environment, learning strategies will develop, of adaptation to the new conditions put into action in transformed spaces and relationships. The artifacts that will be created in the workshops will be used to furnish some spaces of the school but also other spaces in the neighborhood, at the end a catalog of the designed furniture will be created and will be available to everyone.

March 29, 2021 | 09:25

© Time.News

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