Zentiva enters the wellness sector with the ‘Zenessere’ project

by time news

2023-10-18 13:46:00

Already known internationally as a manufacturer of equivalent drugs and for the significant expansion of its specialty and consumer healthcare portfolio, Zentiva opens a new chapter in its history and fully enters the wellness area with the ‘Zenessere’ project. Balance, nature and well-being’, presented today in Milan, during a meeting with the press. “We want to put our experience and our skills – states Cinzia Falasco Volpin, General Manager of Zentiva Italia – at the service of society and healthcare workers and become a point of reference also in the wellness area. For over 530 years, Zentiva has been building a history of value for people’s health based on accessibility, high quality standards and respect for the environment and sustainability”.

Today “the scenario – he continues – is characterized by greater attention to individual well-being post-pandemic, by a progressive aging of the population and by a new sensitivity to sustainability issues on the part of the new generations. The Zenessere project – highlights Falasco Volpin – wants to have a holistic approach that not only concerns products, but also initiatives to create culture and education for pharmacists and the young generations. Zenessere is a serious, 360-degree commitment that looks at everyone’s health and with which “the company” opens a real virtual branch dedicated to well-being, founded on concrete projects in a path that develops over time and whose first stages we shared today”

The starting point of the Zenessere project – explains a note – is Soluzione Schoum, synonymous with tradition, nature and effectiveness since 1951. A brand that the company wanted to enhance in a contemporary key and with an innovative approach, developing 4 new formulations. The launch of ‘Soluzione Schoum Wellness Line’ represents a first stage of a strategic path with continuous development of natural products, with innovative formulations such as the launch, at the end of the year, of a new natural line under the Zerinol brand. Furthermore, with the ‘SpazioZenessere’ space, the project aims to enhance the role of pharmacists, main consultants also in the natural area, supporting them through an exclusive consultancy service of a digital platform based on an innovative artificial intelligence system to offer real-time answers, also including a blog, moderated by experts, with articles, curiosities and information for qualified advice on natural products. The project will have partnerships with trade associations.

The subsequent stages of the Zenessere path will have young people as protagonists, particularly sensitive to the themes of nature and environmental sustainability. 2 projects will be dedicated to them. The first, ‘GenZentiva’, includes 2 days dedicated to young people from Gen Z, with the extraordinary participation of Italian artists and training moments alternating with moments of creative engagement, aimed at creating digital and radio commercials. The best proposals will be rewarded and used by Zentiva. The second project, in partnership with the Faculty of Architecture and Design of the University of Genoa, will see the launch of a design challenge to reinterpret the historic and iconic Soluzione Schoum bottle in a contemporary key. The best creations will be presented in April in Milan during the Fuori Salone 2024.

“If it is true – observes Gadi Schoenheit, Vice President of Doxa Pharma, Research Institute for the pharmaceutical and health sector – that 70% of Italians agree with the assumption that a natural product is important for maintaining health and prevent diseases, we cannot deny a strong underlying confusion on the part of the user between what is natural and what is not. In clarifying this, in addition to the general practitioner, the pharmacist has a crucial role: pharmacies are in fact the first healthcare facilities”. Strengthened by the pandemic experience, “the pharmacist can become a valid point of reference for that 20% of the population who, before purchasing a nutraceutical product, seeks the opinion of an expert”.

“Compared to most other countries – underlines Andrea Costa, CEO of Siti, a company active in the food supplements, medical devices and OTC sectors – Italy has a competitive advantage in nutraceutical products because it is strong in know-how developed thanks to the foresight of the Ministry of Health in knowing how to better interpret the European regulatory structure. The qualitative aspect of the supply chain is undeniable, starting from the selection of raw materials, up to the production and distribution part”. In this regard, “Italy – reiterates Amedeo Squillace, CEO Esserre Pharma – is an excellence and the products coming from the Mediterranean basin are a guarantee of quality, safety and effectiveness for the final consumer. The partnership with Zentiva – he concludes – is an example of open innovation and aims to promote, incentivize and enhance , through their clinical value and scientific rationale, the company’s finished products”.

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