Zero and there are three: it has not been possible to accuse Alejandro Lyons due to excuses from his lawyer

by time news

2023-08-09 23:35:20

Alejandro Lyons, investigated for allowing and participating, allegedly, in a cartel that embezzled public money from the Government of Córdoba through false attention to alleged patients with hemophilia.

Yesterday, August 7, was finally the day on which the Trial Chamber of the Supreme Court would formally accuse the former governor of Córdoba, Alejandro Lyons, for his alleged participation in the hemophilia cartel. However, to the surprise -or rather not- of the magistrates, the defendant’s lawyer, Álvaro José Lyons, presented a new medical excuse, citing a strong infection, with fever, diarrhea and vomiting.

In context: Edwin Besaile and Alejandro Lyons knew the illegality of their acts: Prosecutor’s Office

This is the third time that Lyons’ lawyer has presented a medical impediment to hold the prosecution hearing, which has stopped the proceeding since November 2020. That is, almost three years now. With this hearing, which Lyons’ lawyer has refused to attend, the former governor will be called to trial for allegedly participating in a cartel of embezzlement of public money based on the presentation of false lists of patients with hemophilia.

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Since the Chamber no longer believes Lyons’ lawyer, the health professional who attended him was required to explain in greater detail the diagnosis signed in his own handwriting by means of a letter. And, likewise, the medical or scientific reasons that led him to grant the disabilities that stopped the prosecution hearing on three occasions.

Background: This is how they stole the money from the hemophilia cartel in Córdoba

“Once this is obtained, Legal Medicine will be appointed to appoint a Forensic Doctor so that, in the shortest possible time, he can make an assessment of the legal professional Álvaro José Lyons. It will analyze your clinical history so that it issues a concept about the diagnosis of the health professional who treated you, whether or not it warrants disability, and reports whether the pathology occurred and whether it warranted incapacity for work and for how long,” said the Chamber of the Supreme Court.

According to the history of the Chamber, the first time that Lyons’ lawyer presented a disability was in November 2020, explaining that he had bronchitis that sidelined him from his position for five days. Then, in November 2021, one day before the hearing, he claimed that he had an inguinal hernia that made him unable to defend Lyons for five days. And, the last one was presented yesterday August 8, due to a strong infection that had him vomiting.

More processes: Approved principle of opportunity of Alejandro Lyons: he will testify against the Besaile

“This is the third time that the lawyer Álvaro José Lyons requests a postponement of the hearing for the formulation of the accusation, alleging health problems, which implies great concern for the Court due to the coincidence of the various pathologies that are presented to him just when he is going to resume the hearing for the formulation of the accusation,” said the Trial Chamber.

The magistrates considered that, although the principle of good faith governs the law, the coincident medical justifications are hardly strange, even more so when the procedures can be carried out virtually and can be witnessed by a substitute lawyer, who could have appointed the defense attorney. lyons. Everything has been, in short, a waste of time, given that the person being investigated is imprisoned in the United States and in order to coordinate the hearings, between four and five months in advance is needed.

To learn more about justice, security and human rights, visit the Judicial section of El Espectador.

#accuse #Alejandro #Lyons #due #excuses #lawyer

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