Zero unemployment territories: Pantin and Bagnolet launch their businesses for the purpose of employment

by time news

Posted Apr 10, 2023, 10:00 AMUpdated on Apr 10, 2023 at 10:47

Solidarity concierges, catering offer, textile creations from waste or even bread depot: the Employment Purpose Companies (EBE) of Pantin and Bagnolet, in Seine-Saint-Denis, will be officially launched on April 11 and 24. . The two agreements were indeed signed on April 4 with the Est Ensemble intercommunality, on which the two municipalities depend, and the departmental council.

Objects of the Zero Long-Term Unemployed Territories (TZCLD) experiment, for which the two cities obtained authorization in December, these associative structures aim to create a real “right to work”. Concretely, they will hire at the minimum wage and on permanent contracts people who are permanently out of work, without selection and with adapted schedules, to produce services that are not very present in the territory.

Hiring without selection and at adapted hours

Supported by the ATD Fourth World association and created by the law of February 29, 2016, this experiment aims to prove that creating jobs can be cheaper for the community than allowing long-term unemployment to persist.

The State and the region pay respectively 20,550 and 3,083 euros per year and per item to the EBEs. It’s not nothing. But the public authorities spend much more in the current system, between RSA, housing and health allowance, contribution and tax loss: around 43 billion euros annually at the national level.

Especially since EBEs must generate turnover to complete the economic model: 7,000 euros of service per post and per year. “The idea is also that some people use the system as a springboard to a traditional job, even if others, with a disability or at the end of their career, will see it as a refuge”, assures Julie Lefebvre, vice-president of the Est Ensemble intermunicipal authority in charge of employment.

A gradual rise in power

For the time being, only 12 people in Pantin and 10 in Bagnolet have announced that they will join the system. But the two EBEs are hoping for strong enthusiasm from the start of the activity, planning to be able to accommodate up to 150 employees each by 2028. residents. From now on, it will become concrete and therefore bring in the candidates, ”said Julie Lefebvre.

In Bagnolet, a solidarity grocery store, a company concierge and a bread depot will be run between the districts of La Capsulerie and La Noue, an area chosen because it concentrates both a large number of long-term unemployed ( 853 beneficiaries identified) and potential client companies.

The same logic was applied to choose the Quatre Chemins district, in Pantin. “It’s an area that has 42% of foreign people, who therefore often have difficulty in French to get a job,” notes Catfish Tomei, president of the EBE des Quatre Chemins. It will offer him a catering offer, a textile creation activity from fabric scraps and, like its neighbour, a solidarity concierge.

If the TZCLD device only imposes a minimum of eight hours of work per week, Catsfish Tomei also ensures that “none of the volunteers will be at this volume. The average is rather around 25 or 28 hours, depending on the situation such as time requirements or disabilities”.

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