Zerocalcare wins the Terzani Prize with the graphic novel on Iraq –

by time news
Of Culture editorial team

With «Non Sleep Till Shengal» (Bao Publishing) the cartoonist wins the 19th edition of the international literary award promoted by the Udine neighbor/far association with the Terzani family. The awards ceremony will take place on May 6

AND zero limescale, aka Michele Rech, with No Sleep Till Shengal (Bao Publishing), the winner of the 19th edition of the Tiziano Terzani international literary prize, acknowledgment established and promoted by the cultural association Vicino/Farno of Udine together with the Terzani family, in memory of the Florentine journalist and writer. This was announced on Wednesday 12 April by the president of the Jury Angela Terzani Staude, widow of Tiziano Terzani. «Zerocalcare – reads the motivation – delivers us an irresistible reportage from the very first page, from the first comic, which already contains a universe of thoughts, an original vision of the world and the commitment of a conscience that is impossible to put into be silent”.

No Sleep Till Shengal is the story of the journey that Zerocalcare made, with an Italian delegation, in the spring of 2021 in northern Iraq, in Shengal. Images and words document the living conditions and struggle of the Iraqi Yazidi community, a people who survived the ISIS genocide, protected by the Kurdish militias, with whom Zerocalcare shares the political project of democratic confederalism, which provides for gender equality, social justice, coexistence between peoples, respect for the environment: «All stuff that we need as well», writes Zerocalcare, and adds that those are «the places where we need to be… among men and women who are turning an unjust and oppressive society upside down rooted for centuries”. “Exactly as Titian thought – underlines Angela Terzani Staude -, who left to learn from others, certainly not to distribute advice”. Zarocalcare tells a story that geopolitics has removed through the essential sign of the pencil. «It is for this pity without rhetoric – the motivation concludes – that he does not give up plunging himself into the abyss of unspeakable massacres, while retaining the amazement and innocence of his gaze; for the ability to reach young and old with a contemporary language» that the jury decided to award the Tiziano Terzani International Literary Prize 2023 to No Sleep Till Shengal.

«Tiziano often said – added Angela Terzani Staude – that only he who lets his heart fly is capable of thinking “differently”. And this is what we need today. Zerocalcare’s investigation, due to its authentic curiosity and its attention to those that usually no one listens to, can only produce a “different” thought, certainly not trivial or homologated».

Michele Rech will receive the Terzani Prize Saturday 6 May in Udine (9 pm, Teatro Nuovo Giovanni da Udine), during the evening-event, the central moment of the near/far festivals, scheduled as a year from 3 to 7 May. «This award – commented Zerocalcare – really means a lot to me. The figure of Titian in the late 1990s and early 2000s was one of the pillars of my “civic” education. When I started looking for a key to reading the world and was building an adolescent pantheon that could show me the cardinal points, Titian was one of my references. Being included in the five finalists was already like winning for me».

With Zerocalcare they had arrived in the five finalists: Cal Flyn for Islands of Abandonment. Life in the post-human landscape (Blue Atlantis), Paolo Giordano for Tasmania (Einaudi), Pierre Sautreuil for Yuri Belyaev’s Lost Wars (Einaudi), Mikhail Shishkin per Russki Mir: war or pace? (21 lighter). The Jury of the Terzani Prize 2023 is composed by Enza Campino, Toni Capuozzo, Marco Del Corona, Andrea Filippi, Milena Gabanelli, Nicola Gasbarro, Ettore Mo, Carla Nicolini, Marco Pacini, Paolo Pecile, Remo Politeo, Marino Sinibaldi.

April 12, 2023 (change April 12, 2023 | 17:12)

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